Night Tour Lighting Project Lighting Company Lighting Factory Briefly describes the lighting plan design of the hotel building lighting illuminance requirements

by:EME LIGHTING     2021-03-22
Night tour lighting engineering lighting business-lighting factory people think that the guest-house is a place-place for travel-travel, travel-business, or other people away from home who provide accommodation, meals, drinks and other services. According to different habits, it is also called...

Night tour lighting engineering lighting company-lighting factory people think that the guest-house is for travel-travel, travel-business or other people-away-from-home-provided-accommodation, meals-drinks and other services-services Places-places are also called hotels, restaurants, hotels, resorts, clubs, etc. according to different habits. Here, these buildings are collectively referred to as hotels. The guest-hotel building-building provides people with a short-term residence-housing. Therefore, in the design of the lighting, the design, it is necessary to create a warm, comfortable and comfortable photo for the people who live and stay. At the same time, it should highlight the commercial purpose of guest-hotel building-building, which is easy to be recognized by people.

Yeyou Lighting Engineering Lighting Company-Lighting Factory believes that there is a business-industry relationship between the guest-hotel and the guest-people living in the hotel. From this perspective, the guest-hotel has a business-industry relationship. The nature of business-industry; and for people who live in the guesthouse, they need the guesthouse to provide them with a peaceful, quiet, warm and pleasant residence, residence, environment, atmosphere and enclosure. It is precisely based on this dual-reality* pattern that there are particularities in the construction of the guesthouse, the building, the design, and the design. Different functional places need to create-create the corresponding lighting, environment, and environment.

The people in the lighting factory of the night tour lighting engineering lighting company believe that the types of rooms in the hotel are complex-with multiple functions, so there are obvious-obvious differences-differences in the requirements of different functions of the room-room illumination-degree, 'Architectural Lighting Design Standard' (GB50034-2004) made the following provisions on the lighting standards of hotel buildings.
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