Night Tour Lighting Lighting Engineering Company Lighting Factory Briefly describes the search skills of lighting planning data collection

by:EME LIGHTING     2021-03-22
People in the lighting factory of the night tour lighting lighting engineering company think that when detailed inquiry or emphasizes the acquisition of more specific and specific information, they should generally use the key-key-word to conduct a large-scale quick-quick inspection-search, which is convenient and quick to inquire to more targeted …

People in the lighting factory of night travel lighting lighting engineering company think that when detailed inquiry or emphasis on obtaining more specific and specific information, they should generally use the key-key-word to conduct a large-scale fast-quick-search-search, which is convenient and quick to inquire Targeted search results. Use multiple search engines when investigating, finding out, and reviewing some relatively vague or on a certain topic of Internet resources. In order to improve the accuracy of search and search, select specific-referential words, special-definite concepts, or non-common words as much as possible, and avoid common words and general concepts; and when the amount of search results is too small, When you need to expand the search scope, you should use synonyms and synonyms.

The people in the lighting factory of the night tour lighting lighting engineering company believe that the survey is to obtain the original data through various methods according to the survey plan and collect the secondary data that has been sorted by others. Actual-interview-research, you can ask, listen, watch, check, record, you can also use audio, video, etc., in short, it must be original, true, without human-processing-work, not hearsay, not fiction Fabricated.

The people in the lighting factory of the night tour lighting lighting engineering company believe that the basis of the formation of the lighting plan is to research and collect various types of data. Therefore, the reliability of the data and the accuracy-accuracy of these data are of great importance. -Considering some of these questions, how did the information get, how accurate is it; who provided the information, how reliable is it, and when the information was collected and collected? Effectiveness-how effective is it; the concept in the data-the expression of the concept-whether it is accurate-correct, whether there is any ambiguity-ambiguity-clear, the data-the examples-proof is-whether it is appropriate-appropriate, yes -Does it have-has a clear-definite representation-appearance-sex, etc.
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