Night Tour-Lighting Lighting Design Lighting Factory Briefly describe the skill requirements of the lighting design research method

by:EME LIGHTING     2021-03-22
Night Tour-Brightening Lighting Design Lighting Factory believes that based on the new above-mentioned relevant knowledge, based on-according to the actual work-work needs-needs, determine a reasonable survey plan, and follow the usual 7 steps of the survey to determine the purpose of the survey and collect …

Night Tour-Lighting Lighting Design Lighting Factory believes that based on the new above-mentioned relevant knowledge, based on-according to the actual work-work needs-needs, determine a reasonable survey plan, and follow the usual 7 steps of the survey to determine the survey Purpose, collection of information and materials, preliminary research, research design (including the formulation of detailed research plans), on-site research, collation and analysis of research data, writing and submission of research reports, and in-depth research work one by one.

Confirm-set the tone * research project-of. Night Tour-Lighting Lighting Design Lighting Factory believes that determining the purpose of the survey is the first issue that should be clarified when conducting a lighting design survey. After the purpose is determined, the lighting design investigation will have a direction, and there will be no too much mistakes. That is to say, the research personnel should be clear about why the research should be conducted, what problems should be solved through the research, and what effect the results of the research have on the design and design. If the initial problems are not accurate enough, a series of lighting design research work may be wasted, resulting in unnecessary time or financial losses.

Collect-collect information-information-materials. Night Tour-Lighting Design Lighting Factory people believe that lighting design research needs to collect a lot of information, some of which need to be collected frequently, some need to be collected regularly, and most of the information is only carried out when needed. Collected.
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