Night Tour Lighting-Lighting Design Lighting Factory Brief Introduction to the Observation Experimental Investigation Method of the Lighting Design Investigation Method

by:EME LIGHTING     2021-03-22
Night Tour Lighting-Lighting Design Lighting Factory people believe that the lighting design research method refers to the specific method that the researcher adopts to obtain information, information, information, and materials in the process of investigation and research on the research target. From the means of obtaining information,...

Observation-Observation, Investigation and Research Method. Night tour lighting-lighting design lighting factory people believe that the observation and investigation method is a method of investigating and analyzing the scene or the physical object as the main body of the investigator. It includes six methods: direct observation method, indirect observation method, long-term observation method, short-term observation method, expert-home research method, and film and television observation method. In this method, regardless of the status of the researcher-member, there will be strong subjective questions. Therefore, it is necessary to choose a professional-professional-quality and ability-competence-stronger-member or Specialists will carry out this work, and consider the influence of such factors in the process of analysis and analysis of the results of the survey.

Practical-inspection * research method. Night tour lighting-lighting design lighting factory people believe that the experimental investigation method is to understand the user-user’s reflection-reflection and preference-good tuning* research through small-scale lighting experiments under the conditions of real lighting performance objects. method. This method is straightforward, intuitive, and true. Its advantage is that it can directly get feedback from customers. It is helpful to compare the performance of the design-design with the selection of lamps and tools; the disadvantage is that the scope of investigation is small and easy. There is a deviation in the overall effect.
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