Night Tour Lighting-Lighting Design Lighting Factory Brief Introduction to the Inquiry Investigation Method of Lighting Design Investigation Method (Continued)

by:EME LIGHTING     2021-03-22
Night Tour Lighting-Lighting Design Lighting Factory people believe that the lighting design research method refers to the specific method that the researcher adopts to obtain information, information, information, and materials in the process of investigation and research on the research target. From the means of obtaining information,...

Questionnaire inquiry method by mail. Yeyou Lighting-Lighting Design Lighting Factory believes that the mailing questionnaire inquiry method refers to the survey method that sends a pre-designed survey questionnaire to the surveyed through the post office, and asks the surveyed to fill it out and send it back within the specified time. Although this method has a lower cost, a wider range and a wider range, the survey-research data-data is also more objective-looking, but because there is no face-to-face communication, it is easy to understand errors and make the survey results insufficient. In-depth and accurate.

Communication-inquiry-inquiry method. Night tour lighting-lighting design lighting factory people think that the method of conducting research through telephone or other communication means is called communication inquiry method. This method has low cost, high speed, wide survey coverage, and has a certain degree of flexibility. It is convenient to talk about certain issues, deep questions, visits and talks.

Lien questionnaire inquiry method. Night Tour Lighting-Lighting Design Lighting Factory people believe that the retention questionnaire inquiry method is that the researcher hands the pre-designed survey questionnaire face to face to the research object, and conducts face-to-face interpretation-explanation and explanation-clear and confirmation-fixed return-collection After a period of time, allow enough time for the survey participants to fill in the survey method to answer by themselves. This method can get more accurate information, but it is more difficult to operate, more difficult, and more limited in scope, so it is suitable for a certain survey, research project, and purpose. -Into the chemical survey-research, or in order to obtain continuous-continuous-research data-materials to choose-choose this method.
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