Night Tour-Engineering Lighting Lighting Factory Briefly describe the purpose of the lighting design research plan

by:EME LIGHTING     2021-03-22
Night Tour-Engineering Lighting Lighting Factory people believe that the purpose of lighting design research is to understand the environment in which the lighting design object is located, the style and form of the building carrier, and the performance intention of the architect. Rukao-Chajian-...

Night Tour-Engineering Lighting Lighting Factory people believe that the purpose of lighting design research is to understand the environment in which the lighting design object is located, the style and form of the building carrier, and the performance intention of the architect. For example, examine-observe construction-construction project-purpose week-border environment-environment, listen to-listen to the opinions of the number industry-the owner and the architectural-construction designer-opinions and so on.

Night Tour-Engineering Lighting Lighting Factory people believe that environmental research roughly includes the following aspects: 1. Research on the characteristics of buildings. The purpose of building structures, the location of the building-building-things in the city, etc.; 2. Room-inner environment-environmental investigation-research. Room use, size, structure, location and size of daylighting windows, influence of natural light on buildings, indoor surface ceiling and wall material, color and reflectivity, location and height of equipment and furniture, etc.; 3. Outdoor environmental research. Building facade features, detailed structure, window location, area, building facade material, color and reflectance, external sight-line and sight-point state-conditions, etc.; 4. Use environment research. Factors such as job or activity type, user age, usage time, etc.; 5. Other aspects of research. Economy, power supply specifications, laws and regulations, etc.

Night Tour-Engineering Lighting Lighting Factory people believe that the purpose of the survey is to understand the photo-design-design object-image in the country-home economy-economic environment-environment, region-region from both macro and micro perspectives Basic characteristics of environment and environment. In the specific physical photo * design-design, it is necessary to measure and filter in a targeted manner, such as room-internal photo * explicit design-timing, you can choose 1, 2, 4, and 5 of the above survey items; and room- Location-viewing * Ming design-timing, you can choose 1, 3, 5 of the above survey items. In addition, according to the design-planning-research, the customer-user's industry-industry characteristics and actual needs-requirements should also be considered to choose the corresponding research method. Must-must achieve the goal-mark-confirm, the content-the content-the needle-the right, the plan-the plan is operable-work, and the strict-the grid control-the implementation-the implementation-the accuracy of the implementation.
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