Night Tour Building Lighting Project Lighting Factory Brief Introduction to Keyword Search Measures for Lighting Planning Data Collection

by:EME LIGHTING     2021-03-22
The people in the lighting factory of the night tour building lighting project believe that the lighting keyword search is the main method of network information retrieval, through matching-matching-user-provided keys-keys-words-searching-web-site and its information-materials . In order to raise-high inspection -...

The people in the lighting factory of Yeyou Building Lighting Project believe that lighting keyword retrieval is the main method of network information retrieval, through matching-matching users-user-given key-key-word to search-find net-station and its data. In order to improve the check-request efficiency-rate, besides providing simple-single check-keys-word check-search, each data-data-database has also taken many measures-improving-enhancing its check-search function-ability. .

Bu-Erluo-Edit Check-Search. People in Yeyou Louti Lighting Engineering Lighting Factory believe that general Boolean logic operators include NOT, AND, OR, and brackets. NOT means logical 'notAll key-keys-words; OR operator means logical 'orThe brackets-numbers in the words are similar, and can be used to make the operation-action-symbols enclosed in them first-actually-use.

The use-use of the symbol-number. The lighting factory of Yeyou Building Body Lighting Project thinks that the comma-its function is similar to OR. The difference is that the query-inquiry-results are arranged according to the number of gate-key-words contained, and the more gate-key-words are included, The position of the document is higher. Space-its function is similar to AND. The wildcard character '*' can replace-substitute any-meaning character-mother, '?' can replace an arbitrary letter. The wildcard character cannot be placed at the beginning or the middle of a word. '+' and '-' add a '+' sign without leaving a space in front of a key word, which means that the key word must appear in the search-search result-result, the '-' sign is just the opposite , Which means that the key word must not appear in the result.
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