Night Tour Building Lighting Engineering Company Lighting Factory Briefly describes the online information retrieval method for the collection of lighting planning data

by:EME LIGHTING     2021-03-22
The people of Yeyou Louti lighting engineering company Lighting Factory believe that the Internet is a collection of computer technology, communication technology, database technology and other information-related technologies. Its development has greatly promoted the exchange of global information and information. Flow...

Yeyou Louti Lighting Engineering Co., Ltd. Lighting Factory believes that the Internet is a collection of computer technology, communication technology, database technology and other information-related technologies. Its development has greatly promoted global information. The communication-circulation-broadcasting, and to a higher degree, has changed-changed the traditional information-information management-organization-game.

The main way to obtain lighting information online. Yeyou Louti lighting engineering company Lighting Factory believes that from the perspective of lighting information collection, database information services are the main channel for users to collect online information through the Internet. At present, the data-data-database used by network-network-content service-service providers to provide data-data-database-information-information services-services according to user needs mainly include document data-data-base and search engines.

Literature data-data-database search. The people of Yeyou Louti Lighting Engineering Company Lighting Factory believe that it is the basis and target direction of online lighting information collection. They say it is the foundation because only by understanding and proficiently mastering the retrieval features and functions of various lighting literature databases can you Finally obtain the information needed for lighting design (especially research paper information); it is said that it is the target direction, because the results of other services (such as search engine services) are often hypertext links to such databases or directly provided Of their website.

Web-Network Search-Index-Engine. The people of Yeyou Building Lighting Engineering Company Lighting Factory believe that if the search target is not clear or the collected lighting planning and design information is broad, the function of-network-network search-index-engine should be fully utilized. Various search-index-engines have their own characteristics in terms of query range, search-search function-performance, etc.
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