Looking for a lighting engineering company, just looking at the design renderings is not enough!

by:EME LIGHTING     2021-03-22
The work of urban lighting engineering is valued by governments at all levels, and it is taken as an important measure to beautify the urban environment. Indeed, the urban lighting project not only represents the economic level of a region, but also stimulates and stimulates the economic development of the city.




   Generally speaking, urban lighting projects can be divided into several categories, such as road landscape lighting, garden square lighting, architectural landscape lighting, and decorative lighting lighting. Each type of project requires lighting design and construction. Consider many factors, such as the development positioning of the city, the functional positioning of the project, the positioning of the surrounding environment, and subsequent operation and maintenance.


   Therefore, the lighting project is a very technical work. It is by no means to design a good-looking effect casually. It must consider many aspects such as lamp type, power, lamp position, projection direction and calculation data. Therefore, the lighting design must be based on the calculation of the light brightness distribution and the on-site conditions and years of experience to draw the lighting effect diagram, so that the effect diagram can be the closest to the real effect.


   But in the actual lighting engineering industry, especially the lighting engineering in outer suburbs and third- and fourth-tier cities, it is not very professional. Especially when you encounter some under-professional undertaking companies, many projects are often simple Various lights such as color digital tubes and floodlights are combined with each other, and the number of lights is used to achieve brightness. As a result, the lights in many cities are not aesthetic or completely the same, and even waste resources.


   Therefore, when choosing a lighting engineering company, it is necessary to examine its strength and project operation experience. It is best to view the actual effects of its completed projects, and do not rely solely on the design renderings provided.


   Therefore, the editor suggests: In order to maintain an advantage among many competitors, the lighting engineering company must not only optimize the lighting design, but also need to master relevant technical knowledge, and comprehensively consider all aspects of the situation and give the most suitable And the most scientific solution.
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