Jiangmen led lights with consultation telephone

by:EME LIGHTING     2021-03-22
When decorating, we all hope to make our home comfortable and beautiful. Especially the background wall and ceiling are the places that can highlight the atmosphere of the home, so we will spend some time here when decorating. LED light strip LED light strip refers to the assembly of LEDs on a ribbon-shaped FPC (flexible circuit board) or PCB rigid board, and it is named because the product shape is like a ribbon. Because of its long service life (generally 80 to 100,000 hours in normal life), energy saving and environmental protection, it gradually emerged in various decoration industries. Light strip is the abbreviation of LED light strip. Most people are not used to the term being too long when they say it, so they omit the front LED and simply call it light strip, but sometimes due to the limitation of floor height, they have to install it in the living room. A chandelier, this can not help but make the ceiling look a bit monotonous. Fortunately, a kind of luminous top corner line has become popular now, which is beautiful and saves money. LED light strips need to be driven by a power supply to emit light. There are two types of LED light strips in terms of material, one is hard and hard light strips, and the other is soft light strips of flexible materials. LED rigid light strips are assembled with PCB rigid boards. LEDs can be assembled with SMD LEDs or in-line LEDs. Different components are used according to different needs. When the voltage drop of the LED drive power supply is relatively large, the brightness of the LED strips that are connected for too long will be inconsistent at the beginning and the end. Quick judgment method: connect the required length, light up the light strip, and compare them side by side, observe with eyes. The bull LED light strip adopts dome refraction technology to provide uniform light and avoid dark areas. Only those who are kind to life will be treated kindly to life. In terms of materials, LED light strips can be divided into hard and soft strips. The advantage of the rigid light strip is that it is easier to fix, and the processing and installation are very simple, but this kind of light strip cannot be bent at will. The soft light strip of flexible material has good flexibility and can be folded and bent at will, but the price is more expensive. Choose lighting factory light strips, arrange smart light strips and LED light strip controllers, and bid farewell to the dazzling ceiling lights. Every night, when you sit up from the bed, it will automatically light up and take care of you and me tenderly!
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