Huizhou No Dark Zone 3014LED Strip Consultation

by:EME LIGHTING     2021-03-22
The reason why LED lighting is popular is not only because it saves electricity, but also because it can produce beautiful effects in every residence. It is difficult not to use LED in modern design. In terms of materials, the 3014LED strip without dark area can be divided into two types: hard strip and soft strip. The advantage of the rigid light strip is that it is easier to fix, and the processing and installation are very simple, but this kind of light strip cannot be bent at will. The soft light strip of flexible material has good flexibility and can be folded and bent at will, but the price is more expensive. Today, Shenzhen Lighting Factory gives you some suggestions and examples about LED strips. Take a look at the suggestions below to get some new ideas for your own decoration design. First of all, you must know that the light strip can only play a decorative role. There is no dark area 3014LED light strip LED light strip, which is generally high-voltage 220V, so it is wrapped with a thick layer of flame-retardant glue. Wires, circuit boards, etc. are generally used The use of copper and LED lamp beads determine the life of the light strip. For the sake of electricity safety, you must not choose inferior quality because of the low price. If you are greedy for temporary cheapness, you may get a safety hazard! Of course, it is not ruled out that you can find good quality and cheap prices, but such an opportunity does not fall out of thin air. For the color, you can choose warm white or RGB multi-color, RGBWC5 color, because the main function of the light strip is to embellish, so it is recommended to use warm white, so that the effect of the living room and dining room will be more warm, and it will be aesthetically fatigued after a long time. . In festivals, PARTY and other scenes, consider using RGBWC to meet the needs of all seasons. The ingenious combination of light strips and shapes, no dark area 3014LED light strips LED light strips are generally designed in the top, wall, or ground grooves. The light is always blocked and projected and reflected to see good results. Therefore, the effect of the LED light source is generally very soft and romantic, and it can have a variety of colors. In addition to enriching the space and lighting, it also has the function of dividing space and highlighting key decorations. Achieving unique light and shadow effects can bring you a unique visual experience.
Not only makes the space modelling highlight the charm, but also fully renders the exquisite and fashionable interior atmosphere. The light strip gives it a breathtaking level of beauty. Make the indoor space more stylish.
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