Huizhou imported lamp beads 2835LED strip manufacturer

by:EME LIGHTING     2021-03-22
In fact, people without relevant knowledge and experience are easily deceived and buy low-quality light strips. However, experienced people still have a way to identify, the LED light strips produced by regular manufacturers and the LED light strips of cottages can be seen at a glance from the appearance. Imported lamp beads 2835LED strip
Cut light strip
The LED light strip is a circuit structure composed of 3/6 LEDs in series and parallel, and every 3 LEDs can be cut and used individually.
The cutting method of the light strip is that the blank space of every 3 or 6 lights on the light strip is a cutting place. If you cut it in other places, it will damage the circuit of this section of the light strip and cause the light strip to be damaged. .
The following Shenzhen Lighting Factory introduced us to the identification techniques of the quality of LED light strips, to see how to identify the quality of LED light strips by eyes. LED light strips in the market are differentiated according to the lamp bead model. When choosing the color of the imported lamp bead 2835LED light strip, we can choose the appropriate color according to our own preferences and decoration style. The ceiling generally chooses white, yellow, and light colors. According to the usage of the room, the living room usually chooses warm yellow and blue light strips, because warm yellow light gives people a warm and comfortable feeling, especially in cold winter. Feel. Blue gives people a higher and more profound feeling. Common lamp beads are divided into soft and hard lamp bars according to the type of use. The shell of the flexible light bar is made of epoxy resin. The adjustable temperature 3014 LED light strip also ensures the color gradation from the bottom to the top of the ceiling. Imported lamp beads 2835 LED light strip LED light strips are designed at home in the top, wall, or floor-shaped grooves. . The light is always blocked and projected and reflected to see good results. Therefore, the effect of LED light source is generally very soft and romantic, and it can have a variety of colors. In addition to enriching the space and lighting, it also has the function of dividing space and highlighting key decorations. Achieving unique light and shadow effects can bring you a unique visual experience.
In addition, the double-sided light box lens 3535 LED light strip that illuminates the ridgeline of the relief can highlight the architectural details of the ceiling space. The whole is natural and unique.
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