Huizhou adjustable temperature 3014LED strip processing

by:EME LIGHTING     2021-03-22
When decorating, we all hope to make our home comfortable and beautiful. Especially the background wall and ceiling are the places that can highlight the atmosphere of the home, so we will spend some time here when decorating. 3014 LED lights with adjustable color temperature LED lights are generally 100 meters in a roll. When purchasing, you should tell the seller in advance according to the length you need and how much you want to order. Generally, they will be cut for you. You need to use several sections at home, each section is equipped with a connector, just plug it directly into the socket. If you want to cut it yourself, you need to pay attention. The light strip will usually be marked with a special scissors mouth. Cut it at the scissors mouth, connect it, and you can use it. Remember: Be sure to cut according to the instructions, otherwise it will cause no light! However, sometimes due to the limitation of floor height, a chandelier can be installed in the living room casually, which makes the ceiling seem a little monotonous. Fortunately, a kind of luminous corner line has become popular now, which is beautiful and saves money. First of all, we must know that the light strip can only play an embellishment role. When choosing the color of the light strip with the adjustable temperature of 3014LED, we can choose the right color according to our own preferences and decoration style. The ceiling generally chooses white, yellow, and light colors. According to the usage of the room, the living room usually chooses warm yellow and blue light strips, because warm yellow light gives people a warm and comfortable feeling, especially in cold winter. Feel. Blue gives people a higher and more profound feeling. For the color, you can choose warm white or RGB multi-color, RGBWC5 color, because the main function of the light strip is to embellish, so it is recommended to use warm white, so that the effect of the living room and dining room will be more warm, and it will be aesthetically fatigued after a long time. . In festivals, PARTY and other scenes, consider using RGBWC to meet the needs of all seasons. Try the new favorite of home improvement-LED light strip, adjustable temperature 3014LED light strip 2835led light strip power is about 15W, LED light strip uses FPC as assembly circuit board, use SMD LED for assembly, making the product thickness only The general specifications of the thickness of the coin are 30cm long 18 LEDs, 24 LEDs, 50cm long 15 LEDs, 24 LEDs, 30 LEDs, etc. There are also 60cm, 80cm, etc. It can be cut and extended arbitrarily without affecting the luminescence. Installation is flexible and changeable. How to choose high-quality LED light strips is all here-the lighting factory.
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