How to judge whether the factory lighting company is qualified

by:EME LIGHTING     2021-03-22
The night scene of each city is different, and the lighting team of each city's factory has different levels of technology, and the final results are some satisfactory, some are unsatisfactory. Qualified factory lighting can reduce the energy consumption of the city, reduce emissions, improve the brightness and quality of city lights, and play a good role in publicity. So how to judge whether a factory lighting company is qualified? The overall planning of factory lighting in advance planning is to prepare the factory lighting foreseeably and reduce unnecessary emergencies. Good factory lighting companies should consider issues more from the perspective of consumers. For example, the project process, project details, project budget, etc. should be as detailed as possible. This is the professional performance of the factory lighting company. The overall design of factory lighting is a cumbersome step that is the most difficult to make decisions. Customers and designers will have their own expectations. How to integrate the two expectations is a difficult task. The professional team will communicate with the customer first, understand the effect that the customer needs to achieve, formulate a style, and design a reasonable budget according to the budget. Face every project with an attitude of excellence. The procurement of factory lighting lamps is probably one of the most important links for customers. And some unscrupulous construction teams maliciously reported winning the bid at a low price or wanted to cut corners after winning the bid, which directly affected the quality of the project. Therefore, a good factory lighting team will provide customers with quotations based on product grades, listen to customer selection suggestions, and then make the specific procurement process, brand, specific price, and so on, as transparent as possible. The construction quality of factory lighting also puts forward clear requirements for the construction quality management of key construction parts and quality difficult parts, and withstand the construction difficulties and key parts to do a good job in project quality supervision. Moreover, customers are often invited to visit the construction site and communicate with customers from time to time. The after-sales service of factory lighting will always leave some minor problems more or less after construction. Factory lighting companies should ensure after-sales service. Only with the above five points can it be regarded as a qualified factory lighting company
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