Heyuan Samsung 2835 LED lights with consultation phone

by:EME LIGHTING     2021-03-22
When it comes to LED light strips, some owners may be very unfamiliar. Although some owners know but only know LED lights, they may not be familiar with other specific conditions. In terms of materials, the Samsung 2835LED strip can be divided into two types: hard strip and soft strip. The advantage of the rigid light strip is that it is easier to fix, and the processing and installation are very simple, but this kind of light strip cannot be bent at will. The soft light strip of flexible material has good flexibility and can be folded and bent at will, but the price is more expensive. Today, I will borrow the information from the Shenzhen Lighting Factory Decoration Company to introduce one of the knowledge about LED light strips-the classification of LED light strips. Let's take a closer look now! General light strip products provide 3000K and 4000K color temperature for selection. Samsung 2835 LED lights with LED lights are usually high voltage 220V, so they are wrapped with a thick layer of flame-retardant glue. Wires, circuit boards, etc. are generally made of copper. LED lights determine the life of the lights. For the sake of safety in electricity use, you must not choose inferior quality products just because the price is cheap. If you are greedy for temporary cheapness, you may get a safety hazard! Of course, it is not ruled out that you can find good quality and cheap prices, but such an opportunity does not fall out of thin air! Bull LED strip products are available in 3 color temperatures, 3000K, 4000K and 5700K. Hotels, high-end shopping malls and home furnishings can choose a low color temperature below 3000K to create a warm atmosphere; the office can choose a cold light source with a higher color temperature. Therefore, lighting is not just a flick of a switch to turn on lamps, lighting can embed emotions, attitudes and vitality into any environment. Wrong lighting may destroy the aesthetics of the design and adversely affect the user. Samsung 2835 LED strips pay attention to the connection distance of the LED strips:
Generally speaking, the longest connection distance of 3528 series LED light strips is 20 meters, and the longest connection distance of 5050 series LED light strips is 15 meters. If the connection distance is exceeded, the LED light strip will easily heat up, which will affect the service life of the LED light strip during use. Therefore, when installing, it must be installed in accordance with the manufacturer's requirements, and the LED lamp must not be operated with overload. This has counterproductive consequences. Good lighting can make all the elements in the space coexist harmoniously, and the led strip is an important regulator.
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