Foshan Constant Current 2835led Light Strip Design

by:EME LIGHTING     2021-03-22
The LED light strips are generally designed in the grooves on the top, wall, or ground. The light is always blocked and projected and reflected to see good results. The constant current 2835led light strip has nothing to do with 2538 or 5730. The so-called 2538 5630 refers to the package specifications of the LED chip. With LED grass, the most concerned is the spectrum and luminous flux. Plant growth requires red and blue spectra. Among them, red at 660nm and blue at 540-550 are the most important. As for the luminous flux, it depends on the species of aquatic plants in the grass tank. Therefore, the effect of LED light source is generally soft and romantic, and it can have a variety of colors. s Choice. In addition to enriching the space and lighting, it also has the function of dividing space and highlighting key decorations. High-brightness, high-quality imported lamp beads, high-end customized detailed product prices, constant current 2835led lamp with flexible LED lamp with FPC as assembly circuit board, assembled with SMD LED, the thickness is only the thickness of a coin; Common specifications include 30cm long 18 LEDs, 24 LEDs, and 50cm long 15 LEDs. There are also 60cm, 80cm, etc., which can be cut at will or extended at will without affecting the light emission. It can be bent, folded and wound at will. It is suitable for use in irregular places and places with small spaces. Product pictures and other product introduction information. You can directly contact the manufacturer to obtain the high-brightness, high-quality imported lamp beads of the Samsung 2835 led strip. Customized specific information. LED strips are generally 220V, so they are wrapped with a thick layer of flame-retardant glue. Wires and circuit boards are generally made of copper. LED lamp beads determine the life of the strip. Constant current 2835led strips LED strips are generally A roll of 100 meters, according to the length you need, how much you need to order, these should be told to the seller in advance, generally we will cut it for you. You need to use several sections at home, each section is equipped with a connector, just plug it directly into the socket. If you want to cut it yourself, you need to pay attention. The light strip will usually be marked with a special scissors mouth, cut it at the scissors mouth, connect it, and you can use it. Remember: be sure to cut according to the instructions, otherwise it will cause no light! For the sake of electricity safety, you must not use inferior quality products. If you are greedy for a while, you may get a safety hazard!
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