Foshan 3528led lights with customization

by:EME LIGHTING     2021-03-22
Although the LED strip is good, there are always times when the light output is not satisfactory. 3528led light strips LED light strips are generally high voltage 220V, so they are wrapped with a thick layer of flame-retardant glue. Wires, circuit boards, etc. are generally made of copper. LED lamp beads determine the life of the light strip. For the sake of electrical safety, you must not choose inferior quality products just because the price is cheap. If you want to be cheap for a while, you may get a safety hazard! Of course, it is not ruled out that you can find good quality and cheap prices, but such an opportunity does not fall out of thin air. To solve the problem of poor lighting effect, start from the source, that is, you must choose when you choose the light strip. The following small Shenzhen Lighting Factory shares a few simple tips for choosing light strips, let you become an expert in light strip selection immediately! First of all, we must know that the light strip can only play an embellishment role. The 3528led light strip light strip can not be used as the main lighting, only an auxiliary function, but as people’s requirements for residential quality are getting higher and higher, many designers will choose to The light strip design is used in the space design to improve the quality of the space, and the light strip design is also more novel and beautiful. The surface that people look at most directly in the space is the wall. Add a light strip to the background wall of the living room or bedroom, and the soft light tube can give the space a calm and introverted temperament. For the color, you can choose warm white or RGB multi-color, RGBWC5 color, because the main function of the light strip is to embellish, so it is recommended to use warm white, so that the effect of the living room and dining room will be more warm, and it will be aesthetically fatigued after a long time. . In festivals, PARTY and other scenes, consider using RGBWC to meet the needs of all seasons. LED is a semiconductor light-emitting diode. LED energy-saving lamps use high-brightness white light-emitting diodes, which have high luminous efficiency, low power consumption, long life, easy control, maintenance-free, safe and environmentally friendly; the shape of the 3528led lamp is still very good. It is important to know that this beautiful appearance and generous appearance size are also very good. Then it is the choice of the chip. The choice of the chip is very important. We generally choose imported chips, such as the lampshade of SMD2835. Generally we It is appropriate to choose a PVC lampshade. Some lampshades are very easy to break. Don't buy it. It is a new generation of solid cold light source, with soft light color, gorgeous, colorful, low loss, low energy consumption, green and environmental protection, suitable for homes, shopping malls, banks , Hospitals, hotels, restaurants and other public places for a long time lighting.
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