Chaozhou Waterproof High Voltage 2835LED Strip Supplier

by:EME LIGHTING     2021-03-22
Decorating a house is a painstaking task. How to outline the space curve to the utmost extent and achieve the perfect fusion of space and light is an important part of decorating a house. The waterproof high-voltage 2835LED light strip has accessories. The accessories generally include plugs (power supply), pins (for connection), fixing cards (plastic clips for fixing the light strips) and tail plugs (plastic to protect the tail of the light strips). Sets), these accessories are generally delivered by the merchants, but you need to negotiate with the merchants first, and don't miss them. When installing a house, many people spend a lot of time choosing the living room chandelier, but they neglect the decoration of the LED light strip. Choosing a good LED light strip can play a finishing touch. So how to select and lay out LED strips? With good quality LED lamp beads, the brightness between the lamp beads and the lamp beads is consistent, and the light is uniform, and the brightness of the lamp strip should be consistent at the beginning and the end. Waterproof high voltage 2835LED light strip LED light strip is divided into soft light strip and hard light strip. Soft light strips are commonly used in the home. Generally speaking, soft light strip products have minimum cutting distance requirements, and they can be cut freely within a certain length. As the biggest advantage of conventional home lighting products, flexible light strips have not yet been perfectly replaced by other types of lamps. However, in theory, there is no such thing as the length and length of the soft light strip as the subject said. The light color of the light strip should also be consistent. If you want the light to have a uniform luminous effect, you must choose a good color rendering index when purchasing. The color rendering index Ra> 80 is a requirement that a professional LED light strip must meet. This is also a requirement of the national standard GB50034-2013. Therefore, lighting is not just a flick of a switch to turn on lamps, lighting can embed emotions, attitudes and vitality into any environment. Wrong lighting may destroy the aesthetics of the design and adversely affect the user. The waterproof high-voltage 2835LED light with LED light strips are usually high-voltage 220V, so they are wrapped with a thick layer of flame-retardant glue, wire, circuit board Usually copper is used. LED lamp beads determine the life of the light strip. For the sake of electricity safety, you must not choose inferior quality because of the low price. If you are greedy for temporary cheapness, you may get a safety hazard! Of course, it is not ruled out that you can find good quality and cheap prices, but such an opportunity does not fall out of thin air. This has counterproductive consequences. Good lighting can make all the elements in the space coexist harmoniously, and the led strip is an important regulator.
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