Guangxi constant current 2835led light strip manufacturer

by:EME LIGHTING     2021-03-22
Nowadays, the color temperature of LED light strips is very large. Color temperature is a professional concept. Constant current 2835led light strips LED light strips are generally high-voltage 220V. Therefore, they are wrapped with a thick layer of flame-retardant glue, wires, circuit boards, etc. Generally copper is used, and LED lamp beads determine the life of the light strip. For the sake of electricity safety, you must not choose inferior quality because of the low price. If you are greedy for temporary cheapness, you may get a safety hazard! Of course, it is not ruled out that you can find good quality and cheap prices, but such an opportunity does not fall out of thin air! Simply put, it is the color of light. In terms of white light, the color temperature is generally expressed in thousands of digits. The smaller the number, the yellower and redder the color, the larger the number, the whiter, and the more blue. The unit is expressed by K. Using a very soft PCB board with a thickness of 2MM as the substrate, constant current 2835led light strip
Cut light strip
The LED light strip is a circuit structure composed of 3/6 LEDs in series and parallel, and every 3 LEDs can be cut and used individually.
The cutting method of the light strip is that the blank space of every 3 or 6 lights on the light strip is a cutting place. If you cut it in other places, it will damage the circuit of this section of the light strip and cause the light strip to be damaged. .
Easy to install and fix. Flexible and convenient cutting makes construction and operation convenient, ultra-thin design, low-temperature light source, so that the selection and matching of auxiliary materials during the product installation process is more flexible. Finally, a principle is emphasized: choose products according to needs, and choose products according to the characteristics of the place. For example, we just said whether it will accumulate dust and whether it is necessary to have a sheath. The constant current 2835led light strip is divided in color, and the LED light has 'colorful'Blue' and so on. Theoretically, LEDs can call out many colors, but these are the mainstream ones. Shipments are 'warm whiteThere are very few other colors. For 'warmnessDon't just see the advantages of the protective sleeve, its disadvantage is that it may lose a little light. So we must understand the product, understand the application place, understand the demand, and choose the right product.
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