waterford chandelier Tasmania's Stoke House is for sale: 12 Stoke Street, New Town

by:EME LIGHTING     2019-08-23
The market has the iconic Stoke mansion in the state of Tasmania.Built in 1887 by the then deputy governor of the state of Tasmania,xa0This spectacular Gothic Revival building, Sir John Dodd, has more than 20 rooms and is located in a private sanctuary in the new town.Italian mosaic tiles can see impressive details and fine craftsmanshipLaid by an Italian craftsmanthe hand-Crafted wood fireplace, Watford chandelier and cathedral-like entrance.
The sandstone used during the construction of the Stoke building was shipped from England and Scotland.4,408 square metersRicexa0The manor hosts many weddings in the ballroom, with beautiful gardens and magnificent buildings providing the perfect backdrop for special occasions.All nine bedrooms and this incredible stayxa0The six bathrooms span three floors and are within walking distance of shops and restaurants in North Hobart and new town.
A separate, safexa0Three.
The garage is also located on site 12 stroke Street, New Town.At (03) 6232 4999
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