Yeyou Lighting Engineering Designer Lighting Factory Briefly describes the characteristics of the office building types in the lighting scheme design

by:EME LIGHTING     2021-03-22
Yeyou Lighting Engineering Designer Lighting Factory believes that the office building is an important part of the building, and it's unique-point-highlight-style-style. The division-division between office-public building-building-space-building is relatively regular and neat, this characteristic...

The people of Night Tour Lighting Engineering Designer Lighting Factory believe that the office building is an important part of the building, and it's unique-point-highlight-style-style self-contained. The division-division between office-public building-space-building is relatively regular and neat. This feature is particularly prominent in high-level office-public building-building. Generally speaking, the division is based on a grid. In old-fashioned office buildings, office spaces are mostly independent rooms, while emerging office buildings are more inclined to office spaces with large depth and large space. The color of the office space is relatively single, and the ground, wall and ceiling are mostly light-colored and mostly white. The color of office furniture often determines the main color of the office space, but the color of office furniture is mostly limited to solemn colors such as black, brown, gray, etc., because the office-public building-building mainly borrows-Jianxi-fang modern-modern model Therefore, there are basically no redundant and cumbersome decorations in the office building.

Lighting Factory-Shenzhen Intelligent Group-Company, Night Tour-Lighting-Engineering* Company, Outdoor-Lighting-Engineering* Company. Existing city-city and road lighting engineering first-level qualifications, electronic and intelligent engineering first-level qualifications, fire-fighting facilities engineering first-level qualifications, ancient building engineering first-level qualifications, and three design A-level qualifications, including fire protection and lighting engineering, are You provide six-dimensional professional services. The main projects currently undertaken are: night tour-lighting-design, construction-building-object-lighting-lighting-illumination-design-design, landscape-lighting *Lighting-design, light-chemical * engineering-process, etc., welcome friends to consult, the company's official website URL:.
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