Yangjiang imported lamp beads 2835LED strip design

by:EME LIGHTING     2021-03-22
When decorating, we all hope to make our home comfortable and beautiful. Especially the background wall and ceiling are the places that can highlight the atmosphere of the home, so we will spend some time here when decorating. Imported lamp beads 2835 LED lamp with LED lamp strip, generally high voltage 220V, so it is wrapped with a thick layer of flame-retardant glue. Wires, circuit boards, etc. are generally made of copper. LED lamp beads determine the life of the lamp strip. For the sake of electricity safety, you must not choose inferior quality products just because the price is cheap. If you are greedy for temporary cheapness, you may get a safety hazard! Of course, it is not ruled out that you can find good quality and cheap prices, but such an opportunity does not fall out of thin air. However, sometimes due to the limitation of the height of the floor, a chandelier can be installed in the living room, which can not help but make the ceiling look a little monotonous. Fortunately, a kind of luminous top corner line has become popular now, which is beautiful and saves money. 5630LED lamp with double row highlighting 180 beads, ceiling outdoor waterproof lamp for living room ceiling. Imported lamp beads 2835LED lamp with LED lamp with a single lamp bead damage will only affect the single lamp bead does not light up, does not affect the lighting effect, is more and more recognized by the majority of users. The earliest process is to weld the LED on the copper wire, and then cover the PVC tube or use the equipment to directly shape it. There are two types of round and flat. The title is distinguished by the number of copper wires and the shape of the light strip. Two wires It is called the second line, the circle is added with a circle in front, that is, the circle is two lines; the flat shape is added with the word flat in front, that is, the flat two lines. The new 5630 light strip, imported Korean Samsung light source, suitable for high-end clubs, villas, luxury home decoration, outdoor lighting, pure copper wire. Finally, a principle is emphasized: choose products according to needs, and choose products according to the characteristics of the place. For example, we just said whether it will accumulate dust and whether it needs to have a sheath. Imported lamp beads 2835 LED lamp strips can not be used as the main lighting, but only play an auxiliary role, but as people's requirements for residential quality are getting higher and higher Many designers will choose to use the light strip design in the space design to improve the quality of the space, and the light strip design is becoming more novel and beautiful. The surface that people look at most directly in the space is the wall. Add a light strip to the background wall of the living room or bedroom, and the soft light tube can give the space a calm and introverted temperament. Don't just see the advantages of the protective sleeve, its disadvantage is that it may lose a little light. So we must understand the product, understand the application place, understand the demand, and choose the right product.
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