What are the processes and skills of the lighting designer to make renderings?

by:EME LIGHTING     2021-03-22
The lighting design plan is the first step in the implementation of the lighting project, and it is also a prerequisite for a good lighting project. What should the lighting designer do when he receives a case? Starting from years of experience in lighting design, lighting factory lighting believes that:




   Before making the lighting design renderings, we must first observe and determine the lighting design ideas, such as: what can be done to meet the project goals and customer needs, what can be done to enhance the value of the project, etc., and then how to make it This effect, the next step is to rely on the mastery of the design software. The mature lighting design process is as follows:


  1. Analysis of lighting design objects


   Lighting design objects include tourist attractions, urban gardens, ancient buildings, roads and bridges, etc. Different types of lighting objects have different lighting requirements and surrounding environments. These will serve as reference elements for setting the main tone. Then confirm the color temperature, lighting, etc.


  2. Screen processing of lighting design renderings


   The screen processing of design renderings is mainly divided into retouching and layering. Retouching is mainly to remove the debris in the screen to avoid affecting the later lighting. The stratification is to enhance the spatial sense of later lighting.


  3. Lighting layout of lighting design project


   After the screen is processed, the whole is darkened to create a night atmosphere. There are many tools to reduce the brightness of the picture, and you can choose by yourself.


   4. Treatment of the surrounding environment of the lighting design project


   After processing the key brightening area, proceed to deal with the surrounding environment. Make it conform to the corresponding night scene and lighting environment. Commonly used processing methods are adding sky background, ground green plants, surrounding road light and other materials.


  5. Self-inspection of overall lighting design effect


   After the environmental treatment is completed, zoom out to see the overall layout of the brightening design effect, observe the color temperature matching degree of the main area, and fine-tune it in time if it is unreasonable. The adjustment layers are mostly used here to control color temperature, brightness, contrast, etc.


   Of course, when the lighting design has reached this step, it does not mean that the renderings will be finalized, because it must be implemented in accordance with the opinions of the electrical designer, and adjustments must be made in accordance with the opinions of Party A. The ultimate goal is Make the design effect and the construction effect reach a consensus, and meet or exceed the customer's requirements.
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