Street lamp layout and lamp style

by:EME LIGHTING     2021-03-22
The layout of street lights mainly includes five forms: single-sided layout, double-sided staggered layout, bilateral symmetrical layout, center-symmetrical layout, and horizontal suspension cable layout. With the continuous widening of urban roads, the turning radius of level crossings becomes larger and larger. According to the relevant requirements of the 'Urban Road Lighting Design StandardTo meet the value of illuminance, illuminance uniformity and power density, choose a reasonable lighting method and lighting style. Generally speaking, designing the pole projection lighting at the center of the turning radius of the level crossing is a relatively reasonable layout. As a functional lighting, the design and selection of street lamps should follow the principle of highlighting lighting functions and taking into account its decorative effects. However, in the design and construction of road lighting street lamps in many cities in my country, there is still a phenomenon of blindly pursuing visual effects. The outside of the one-board roadway is the green belt. The street lights are arranged symmetrically on both sides, but double cantilever street lights are used to make the street lights on the side of the green belt ineffective, resulting in an increase in construction investment costs and energy waste. Therefore, the road lighting design should be based on the 'Urban Road Lighting Design StandardsThe following is a brief description of the street lamp styles that should be selected for different road structures. 1. For roads with one board and sidewalks, single cantilever street lights should be used as street lights to meet the lighting requirements of motor vehicle lanes, and the scattered light of lamps on the side of motor vehicles fully meets the average illuminance requirements of the sidewalk 5LX; For allegro roads, when the isolation belt is wide (>5m), single cantilever street lights should be selected, and the street lights should be arranged symmetrically. When the green isolation belt is narrow (<5m), it is advisable to choose double cantilever street lights and adopt a central arrangement. These two arrangements can avoid the impact of street lights on both sides of the road; 3. Three-slab roads with non-motorized lanes, Double cantilever street lights should be selected. Street lights should be arranged symmetrically on both sides of the isolation belt of motor vehicles and non-motor vehicles. The height, cantilever length and elevation angle of the lights should be designed according to the road width; Fan-shaped structure is better to meet the requirements of intersection illuminance and uniformity of illuminance;   5. The lamp adopts a semi-cut light type, and its technical parameters should meet the requirements of 'Urban Road Lighting Design Standard'.
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