Sales skills of glass solder lamp

by:EME LIGHTING     2020-01-15
In our glass solder lamp end retail stores, there are often shopping guides who report that when we use professional sales processes to deal with customers, customers are interested in some of our glass solder lamps. But when we made the last move to facilitate the transaction, few customers gave me an order. What is the problem? Let's still summarize what language the shopping guide used in the final promotion. 1. If you like it, you can look at it and feel it. 2. This is our latest product. Take a look at it. 3. This series of glass solder lamps is my best seller. Come to this series. 4. Listen to me, yes, you must like it more and more. Wrong interpretation: Please note that when we finally facilitate the transaction, we must use the affirmative expression of the customer's position to help the customer make up his mind. Instead of letting customers feel that you have something to say, they will not decide to buy. The following are some correct expressions: 1. Shopping guide: Sir, you are really very insightful. This glass solder lamp is the hottest one sold this quarter, we deliver goods several times a day. With this style, it should be suitable for your taste. Here is our sample room (Exhibition Hall), You take a closer look at the effect. . . . ( Take the customer to the model room without waiting for the answer, especially for the hesitant customer) 2. Shopping guide: Sir, you really have a good eye. This glass solder lamp is a new style just released by the chief designer of our company and sells very well! Come on, let me introduce to you, this set of styles uses ** design 3, craft and material, import ** style. People with such taste as you will definitely be very suitable in your home. Take a closer look, contact and feel its courage. . . .
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