Is your light not bright enough? Look at what Optoelectronics says! ||

by:EME LIGHTING     2021-03-22
In the LED era led by point light sources such as LED downlights, various areas pay great attention to the issue of spatial brightness. When talking about lighting design concepts and the lighting problems of LED lighting fixtures such as LED downlights, have you found that many demanders only care about whether my lighting space is bright or not? So in actual projects, do you use LED downlights, LED spotlights, panel lights, light strips and other lighting fixtures that are not brighter than other people's homes? Where is the reason? Although brightness cannot be used as the only criterion for judging the quality of the light environment, many people still care about the brightness of the space, especially in some fast-moving consumer goods stores, such as mass-market clothing stores. The clean and bright lighting environment helps customers enjoy the dazzling array. Pick out your favorite products on the shelves. So why isn't your light brightened by others? So today we follow the photoelectric to find out how bright the lamp is. In commercial lighting, we pay more attention to the light energy received by the illuminated object. The term for this physical quantity is 'illuminance' and the unit is lx. When the illuminance is high, the light shining on the object will look brighter. How to increase the illuminance? How to improve the power drive conversion efficiency, reduce the junction temperature of the light source, a higher power light source, and a better matching light distribution device... I will not explain one by one here, but the lighting and lighting layout are also inseparable. , Reasonable lighting layout can make the lighting space hierarchical. The layout of lighting is to consider the part, to define the primary and secondary, which is the district lighting. How does each area adapt? This is an element that needs to be considered when choosing a light, distinguishing the primary and secondary, and thus expand the layout of the light. Choose the light in the direction of not occupying the lighting space, increasing the soft atmosphere of the space, and reducing the oppression of the lighting space! In the selection of LED downlights, LED spotlights, panel lights and other lighting fixtures, light and shape are required. The light can not only restore the original color of the object under the sun, but also refract to produce indirect lighting and shape the light shape. While ensuring the bright indoor lighting environment, the creation of a comfortable, scene-oriented, and hierarchical indoor light environment cannot be ignored! Want your lighting environment to be different? Want your lighting environment to shine? Then fully grasp the illumination enhancement techniques and the primary and secondary definitions of the lighting layout of LED downlights and other lamps, and finally use LED downlights, LED spotlights, light strips and other lighting fixtures to make the lighting layout and brighten the entire space. So as to create a tasteful light environment! Introduction Optoelectronics focuses on lighting design, production and construction, providing overall solutions for LED lighting projects such as airports, hotels, commerce, and offices, and is the designated lighting supplier for major domestic airports. ---Contact address: Lighting selection website on the floor of Changhong Science and Technology Building, Science and Technology Park, Nanshan District, Shenzhen
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