Guangzhou LED light belt consultation

by:EME LIGHTING     2021-03-22
LED (Light Emitting Diode, abbreviated as LED, the Chinese name is light-emitting diode.) Light strip refers to the assembly of LED on a ribbon-shaped FPC (flexible circuit board) or PCB hard board, depending on the quality of the FPC. FPC is divided into two types: copper and rolled copper. The copper foil of the copper-clad board is protruding. If you look closely, it can be seen from the connection between the pad and the FPC. The rolled copper is closely connected with the FPC and can be bent at will without the phenomenon of pad falling off. If the copper-clad board is bent too much, the pad will fall off, and if the temperature is too high during maintenance, it will also cause the pad to fall off. The LED strip is named because its product shape is like a ribbon. Because of its long service life (generally 80 to 100,000 hours), green and environmental protection, LED light strips have gradually emerged in various decoration industries. LED light strips need to be driven by a power supply to emit light. LED light strips LED light strips are generally high voltage 220V, so It is wrapped with a thick layer of flame-retardant glue. Wires, circuit boards, etc. are generally made of copper. LED lamp beads determine the life of the light strip. For the sake of electricity safety, you must not choose low quality because of the low price. Yes, if you are greedy for a while, you may get a safety hazard! Of course, it is not ruled out that you can find good quality and cheap prices, but such an opportunity does not fall out of thin air. When the voltage drop of the LED drive power is relatively large, the brightness of the LED strips that are connected for too long will be inconsistent at the beginning and the end. Quick judgment method: connect the required length, light up the light strips, and compare them side by side, observe with your eyes. The bull LED light strip adopts dome refraction technology to provide uniform light and avoid dark areas. Therefore, lighting is not just a flick of a light switch, lighting can embed emotion, attitude and vitality into any environment. Wrong lighting may destroy the aesthetics of the design and adversely affect the user. LED lights with LED lights features: 1, low energy consumption, energy saving: power consumption is only 1/10 of ordinary rice bulbs. The power per meter is 3 watts; 2. High safety: high electro-optical conversion rate, close to 100%, low heat generation, no fire hazard; 3. Long life: under normal working conditions, the life span can reach 80,000 hours, up to 5 Years; 4. Strong plasticity: easy to bend and design a variety of shapes to achieve a variety of decorative effects; waterproof, outdoor and indoor can be used; collision resistance, maintenance-free lamps. This has counterproductive consequences. Good lighting can make all the elements in the space coexist harmoniously, and the led strip is an important regulator.
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