Guangzhou 3528led lights with customization

by:EME LIGHTING     2021-03-22
The LED light strips are generally designed in the grooves on the top, wall, or ground. The light is always blocked and projected and reflected to see good results. 3528led lights with LED lights have been widely used in buildings (indoor and outdoor decoration), bridges, roads, gardens, courtyards, floors, ceilings, furniture, cars, ponds, underwater, advertising, signs, signs, etc. on the decoration and illumination. At the same time, it also adds endless joy and festive atmosphere to various festivals such as Christmas, Halloween, Valentine's Day, Easter, National Day, etc. It has entered the five major advantages of advertising, decoration, construction, commercial use and gifts with its tenacious vitality. market. Therefore, the effect of LED light source is generally very soft and romantic, and it can have a variety of colors. In addition to enriching the space and lighting, it also has the function of dividing space and highlighting key decorations. Using a very soft PCB board with a thickness of 2MM as the substrate, 3528led lights with LED lights are generally high-voltage 220V, so they are wrapped with a thick layer of flame-retardant glue. Wires, circuit boards, etc. are generally made of copper. LED lamp beads determine the life of the lamp belt. For the sake of electricity safety, you must not choose inferior quality because of the low price. If you are greedy for a moment, it may be a safety hazard! Of course, it is not ruled out that you can find good quality and cheap prices, but such an opportunity does not fall out of thin air. Easy to install and fix. Flexible and convenient cutting makes construction and operation convenient, ultra-thin design, low-temperature light source, so that the product is more flexible in the selection and matching of auxiliary materials during the installation process. In fact, there is no standard for the color of the light strip. LED lights have round two lines, round three lines, flat three lines, flat four lines, etc. Usually the second line light strip is round, and the three lines and four lines are flat, and round is suitable. Outdoor occasions, and flat ones are mostly used in outdoor occasions. Attention should be paid to choosing suitable LED lights with card slots during interior decoration to decorate a more beautiful space. There are also many types of colors, including cool white, warm white, yellow, etc. Different colors of lights bring different feelings and warmth. There are warm colors, cold colors and so on. 3528led light strips still have to choose the appropriate light strip color according to their preferences, decoration style, and place of use.
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