Guangxi double-sided light box lens 3535LED light bar manufacturers

by:EME LIGHTING     2021-03-22
LED light strips are very common nowadays. Many households use this kind of lighting as decoration and lighting. Because the light strips are hidden, they will give people a bright feeling when they are turned on. Double-sided light box lens 3535LED light Note the connection distance of the LED strip:
Generally speaking, the longest connection distance of 3528 series LED light strips is 20 meters, and the longest connection distance of 5050 series LED light strips is 15 meters. If the connection distance is exceeded, the LED light strip will easily heat up, which will affect the service life of the LED light strip during use. Therefore, when installing, it must be installed in accordance with the manufacturer's requirements, and the LED lamp must not be operated with overload. But it should be noted that the LED light strips on the market can be described as mixed, so how to judge the pros and cons? The ED light strip is mainly installed in the light trough to create a large area of u200bu200bluminous ceilings and walls. The double-sided light box lens 3535 LED light strip
Cut light strip
The LED light strip is a circuit structure composed of 3/6 LEDs in series and parallel, and every 3 LEDs can be cut and used individually.
The cutting method of the light strip is that the blank space of every 3 or 6 lights on the light strip is a cutting place. If you cut it in other places, it will damage the circuit of this section of the light strip and cause the light strip to be damaged. .
Shaping the effect of wall washing, it is precisely because of its large range of lighting, so once a problem occurs, it will affect a wide range of light and shadow effects. When choosing LED strips, we must keep our eyes open and choose carefully. To do a good job of LED light strips need to include various factors such as craftsmanship, technology, and service. The double-sided light box lens 3535 LED light strip LED light strip is generally designed in the top, wall, or ground-shaped groove at home. The light is always blocked and projected and reflected to see good results. Therefore, the effect of LED light source is generally very soft and romantic, and it can have a variety of colors. In addition to enriching the space and lighting, it also has the function of dividing space and highlighting key decorations. Achieving unique light and shadow effects can bring you a unique visual experience.
Many companies choose to abandon the production of this product because of short-term profit considerations. The lighting factory is not afraid of hardships and marches forward courageously on the LED light belt.
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