Guangdong waterproof high voltage 2835LED strip manufacturer

by:EME LIGHTING     2021-03-22
The reason why LED lighting is popular is not only because it saves electricity, but also because it can produce beautiful effects in every residence. It is difficult not to use LED in modern design. The waterproof and high-pressure 2835 LED light with smart LED light can be easily attached to the midsole of the shoe body. When the power is turned on, it can flash colorful glare; at the same time, its built-in accelerometer can be based on the walking speed or the heel of the toe. Focusing on changes in size and changing the flashing methods and colors, walking on the street will inevitably become the focus of attention. Today, Shenzhen Lighting Factory gives you some suggestions and examples about LED strips. Take a look at the suggestions below to get some new ideas for your own decoration design. First of all, we must know that the light strip can only play an embellishment role. The waterproof high-voltage 2835 LED light strip is not only an aesthetic effect, but also can increase the auxiliary lighting of the space, making the space brighter, and easier to highlight the personality and style. Visually it is more spacious and brings an unparalleled and wonderful view to the interior. As a place to sleep and rest, I actually don't like seeing dazzling lights. The design of the light strip not only plays a role in beautifying the shape and space, but also solves the problem of light pollution. It is necessary to design the lamp with the bedside in the bedroom. For the color, you can choose warm white or RGB multi-color, RGBWC5 color, because the main function of the light strip is to embellish, so it is recommended to use warm white, so that the effect of the living room and dining room will be more warm, and it will be aesthetically fatigued after a long time. . In festivals, PARTY and other scenes, consider using RGBWC to meet the needs of all seasons. LED light strips are generally 220V, so they are wrapped with a thick layer of flame retardant glue. Wires, circuit boards, etc. are generally made of copper. LED lamp beads determine the life of the light strip. Waterproof and high-pressure 2835 LED light strips are currently commonly used LED lights. The strip types are 3528 and 5050 strips. On the one hand, the difference between the two is the size. On the other hand, there are 3 LED chips in the 5050 lamp beads, while there is only 1 LED chip in the 3528. Therefore, the same number of lamp beads is 5050. The brightness of the LED strip is three times that of the 3528 LED strip, and the power is three times higher. The price is also more expensive. For the sake of electricity safety, you must not choose inferior quality. You may be cheap for a while. Security risks!
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