glow in stature: floor lamps to stand tall against the winter blues

by:EME LIGHTING     2020-10-25
Tiffany floor for 2,495.
This exquisite floor lamp is made of Murano glass.
7610 9797, shopaverdeltd. com2.
Twiggy\'s floor lamp, Debenham, is £ 87. Twelve twig-
The inspired stem makes this cool contemporary work a veritable tree of light.
0844 561 6161, debenhams. com3.
Grshoppa flooring, a textile firm at Lampe Chelsea, £ 538.
This new mid-
Century tripod lights are available in a variety of colors.
Chel7584 5544, chelseatextiles. com4.
John Lewis, Maria loulamp, £ 10.
Deepen the warm glow with this striking orange shade of the lamp.
08456 049 049, johnlewis. com5.
LampSlide, Lightree outdoor floor, £ 176.
This quirky Christmas tree will illuminate your festive spirit, both inside and outside.
020 7692 4001, madindesign. com6.
Big Boy in the sleep room.
This beautifully carved wooden lamp is inspired by the French antique candle holder.
0845 459 9937.
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