Citizen's Square in Landscape Lighting Design (Continued)

by:EME LIGHTING     2021-03-22
People in the Civic Square are active factors. People actively participate in public activities, interact with each other, obtain information, and use their own knowledge of life to influence others and contribute to society. City and district-level public buildings are generally arranged on the citizen square

People in the Civic Square are active factors. People actively participate in public activities, communicate with each other, obtain information, and use their own knowledge of life to influence others and contribute to society. City and district-level public buildings are generally arranged on the Citizen Square for sightseeing and general activities. This type of square has a certain scale of assembly and parade area, and generally organizes internal traffic according to urban arterial roads; roads are divided into different levels according to different nature of use. The night civic square should provide all possible opportunities for information exchange and various activities. Three functional effects should be paid attention to when planning:

3. Information effect. Information intensive requires a variety of complete information exchange facilities, which are modern information dissemination methods. For example, set up various communication network points, weather forecast display boards, air pollution status display boards, tour guide facilities, report boards, etc. on the square. For the various environmental sketches on the square, by allowing relevant manufacturers to provide facilities for free, and at the same time attaching advertising information, you can do two things with one stone.

In addition, commercial buildings are often attached to many citizens' entertainment plazas. Commercial buildings themselves have the function of advertising, which is also one of the reasons why commercial buildings are more decorative and develop towards mega-scale. We advocate that commercial buildings compete to highlight themselves without affecting the overall planning intent of the night landscape of the square, showing the contrasting beauty and richness of the landscape of the square and commercial buildings. Attention should be paid to grasp the location of the main buildings in the square and the unity with the overall environment, and help to form a square architectural outline with clear primary and secondary.

The lighting scale of general public squares should be cordial, while the open spaces of larger public squares generally use high-pole lighting to solve the negative effect of lamp posts on the line of sight when crowds gather. However, due to the huge scale of the high-pole lighting fixtures, it is necessary to divide the lighting of different scales and levels in order for the citizens to have a reference scale on the square at night.

The lighting of buildings on the Citizen Plaza should be divided into primary and secondary, heavy classics and non-standards, and main scenery and background scenery. The performance of the dosing cannot overwhelm the main scene in terms of brightness or color. This is particularly important for squares with a clear central axis. It is necessary to let people feel the existence of the axis even at night, so as to make the square nightscape spatial structure The image is clear. Citizen squares with rest as the main function should use light sources with good color rendering, and lamps with warm light sources using incandescent lamps are more suitable.

Since citizen squares are often also places for festival gatherings, the organization of the festival night scenes of city squares should be considered based on the characteristics of city activities.

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