Chaozhou constant current 2835led lamp with consultation telephone

by:EME LIGHTING     2021-03-22
When decorating, we all hope to make our home comfortable and beautiful. Especially the background wall and ceiling are the places that can highlight the atmosphere of the home, so we will spend some time here when decorating. Constant current 2835led light strip light strip is a kind of decoration and atmosphere. Through the shaping of the space light environment, it creates a fascinating display space and display image. It uses a variety of lighting methods to display the theme image, which is reminiscent. Arouse people's spiritual resonance and establish mutual emotional communication. On the other hand, the light strip not only plays the role of decoration and beautification, but also plays the role of lighting. However, sometimes due to the limitation of the height of the floor, a chandelier can be installed in the living room, which can not help but make the ceiling look a little monotonous. Fortunately, a kind of luminous top corner line has become popular now, which is beautiful and saves money. LED light strips in the market are differentiated according to the lamp bead model, constant current 2835led light strips pay attention to the connection distance of the LED light strips:
Generally speaking, the longest connection distance of 3528 series LED light strips is 20 meters, and the longest connection distance of 5050 series LED light strips is 15 meters. If the connection distance is exceeded, the LED light strip will easily heat up, which will affect the service life of the LED light strip during use. Therefore, when installing, it must be installed in accordance with the manufacturer's requirements, and the LED lamp must not be operated with overload. Common lamp beads are divided into soft and hard lamp bars according to the type of use. The shell of the flexible light bar is made of epoxy resin. Only by using LED downlights and other lamps to create a moderate and comfortable lighting environment can we inspire the spirit of a family! For a comfortable light environment experience, the LED strips produced by the regular LED strip manufacturers of constant current 2835led strips are produced by SMT patch technology, using solder paste and reflow soldering processes. Therefore, the solder joints on the LED light strip are relatively smooth and the amount of solder is small, and the solder joints extend from the FPC pad to the LED electrode in a circular arc shape. However, the amount of solder in the solder joints of the counterfeit version of the LED light strip is uneven, and most of the solder feet are covered by a dot, and at the same time there will be different degrees of tin tips, which is a typical phenomenon of manual soldering. It has never been possible without the outline of these auxiliary light sources with LED lights. The above is the complete guide for the use and installation of LED light strips taught by Shenzhen Lighting Factory. Thank you for taking it away!
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