Chaozhou 3014LED flexible strip wholesale

by:EME LIGHTING     2021-03-22
In fact, people without relevant knowledge and experience are easily deceived and buy low-quality light strips. However, experienced people still have a way to identify, the LED light strips produced by regular manufacturers and the LED light strips of cottages can be seen at a glance from the appearance. The commonly used models of 3014LED flexible strip LED strips are 3528 and 5050. Therefore, whether you can buy a good chip, in addition to whether you can pay a good price when you buy it yourself, you also need the manufacturer's integrity. Generally speaking, European, American and Japanese chips are better than Taiwanese chips, and Taiwanese chips are better than domestic ones. But the price is also higher than one. Sometimes I am really 'proud': There is really no shortage of cutting-edge talents in China. The following Shenzhen Lighting Factory introduced us to the identification techniques of the quality of LED light strips, to see how to identify the quality of LED light strips by eyes. Using a very soft PCB board with a thickness of 2MM as the substrate, the 3014LED flexible light bar LED light strip is generally high-voltage 220V, so it is wrapped with a thick layer of flame-retardant glue. Wires, circuit boards, etc. are generally made of copper , LED lamp beads determine the life of the lamp belt. For the sake of electricity safety, you must not choose inferior quality because of the low price. If you are greedy for temporary cheapness, it may be a safety hazard! Of course, it is not ruled out that you can find good quality and cheap prices, but such an opportunity does not fall out of thin air! Easy to install and fix. Flexible and convenient cutting makes construction and operation convenient, ultra-thin design, low-temperature light source, so that the selection and matching of auxiliary materials during the product installation process is more flexible. At present, the application range of led strips is wide, 3014LED flexible strips
Cut light strip
The LED light strip is a circuit structure composed of 3/6 LEDs in series and parallel, and every 3 LEDs can be cut and used individually.
The cutting method of the light strip is that the blank space of every 3 or 6 lights on the light strip is a cutting place. If you cut it in other places, it will damage the circuit of this section of the light strip and cause the light strip to be damaged. .
It is no longer limited to the previous interior decoration, street decoration and other places. In the future, the use of led strips will be further expanded.
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