Appreciation of the lighting project of Beijing Guang'anmen Hospital

by:EME LIGHTING     2021-03-22
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  ▍ Project Introduction


   Project location: Xicheng District, Beijing


   Project nature: architectural landscape lighting


   Project time: 2015


  ▍ Project Overview


   Guang’anmen Hospital is located in Guang’anmen, Xicheng District, Beijing. The Guang’anmen Hospital of the Chinese Academy of Chinese Medical Sciences (and the Second Institute of Clinical Medicine of the Chinese Academy of Chinese Medical Sciences) was founded in 1955. It is directly under the State Administration of Traditional Chinese Medicine. A Class-A Chinese Medicine Hospital integrating teaching, scientific research and preventive health care. It is a central cadre health care base, a national 'model Chinese medicine hospital

   is an antique building on the top, and lights are set on the inner side of the railing to brighten the arches and painted walls. Embedded downlights are installed on the top of the corridor to ensure the illumination requirements of the pedestrian passage. On the four façades of the tower, high-power low-angle floodlights are placed at the corners of the tower to light up the eight corners of the tower. The bottom glass curtain wall uses LED high-power wall washer to create an internal penetration effect, and the LED low-power wall washer is installed at the white marble railing to fully show the texture of the white marble. At night, the building is dignified, upright, concise and capable under the background of lights.
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