Appreciation of Baoding Yulan Garden Lighting Project

by:EME LIGHTING     2021-03-22
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   Baoding Magnolia Garden is jointly built by Darongshu Real Estate and Greentown. There are Lekai Primary School, Middle School and Xinmarket Primary School nearby.


   It has a perfect park service system, symmetrical French palace architecture, changing scenery time and time again, carved beams and paintings everywhere, it really makes people feel like they are in paradise.


   Magnolia Garden Project has really made great efforts in gardening! At the beginning of the project, the garden designer will go to Greentown's garden bases all over the country to inspect and select the garden style suitable for the design of the project. In order to give full play to the beauty of the garden, Qicai Lianchuang combines the style design and construction of landscape garden lighting. , So that the perfect integration of architecture and nature.

   Architectural lighting uses a large number of floodlights and wall washers to light up the building in a large area. The warm yellow light naturally blends with the garden plants, and the details are embellished with soft light strips to make it more agile.


   Generally speaking, floodlighting of green areas cannot be carried out on a large scale like buildings. There are always choices. In order to ensure the beauty and layering of the garden, we mainly use large shrubs and trees, equipped with several spotlights, supplemented by garden lights, which will be displayed in front of the viewers in its unique form at night, and the garden landscape will have an effect. Can be displayed perfectly.
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