WI takes a dim view over street lights - lighting

by:EME LIGHTING     2019-12-23
WI takes a dim view over street lights  -  lighting
Members of the Yili WI group expressed concern about the dangers posed by the dim streets.
Ely City WI chairman Sarah Mascall Yili's street lights became so dim between dusk and ten o'clock P. M. that WI members began using torches-a move reminiscent of the post-war 1950.
She said that the situation became so bad that due to the dangers posed by uneven sidewalks, they hindered the efforts of members to participate in evening activities.
Cam County Council decided in February to turn off and dim street lights throughout the region.
From April 2, street lights are closed between two o'clock A. M. and six o'clock A. M.
County Council-
Having the lights darkened by about 60 cents, the town and parish council had the option to pay for their lights to continue on.
Since then, the move has been attacked by the residents involved, causing the county council to overturn the decision, calling it a "mistake" at a meeting last week ".
Mrs. Mascall said: "Using the torch on Ely's Street, the last time 1950 s saw the torch, as it was more challenging to walk on many uneven sidewalks, not only for the elderly, but for many other residents, this is an unwelcome return.
"We are fully aware that street lamps in Ely and other large towns in the county are now controlled through a central management system, and each street lamp or set of lights can be adjusted individually to a predetermined level.
She added: "While some streets are well lit, it seems very obvious that some streets are not well lit.
On some streets there are long dark areas where, unfortunately, the lights have been removed and the spacing between the remaining lights has not been adjusted.
"The main pedestrian route to Back Hill, the train station, has been given special attention, as well as annisdale, New Barn Road, Sunway and new moon Canada, on New Barn Avenue West End Cromwell Road.
Last week, cam County Council leader Steven Earl said at a meeting in the Shire Hall: "It is clear that there are also some concerns while some communities welcome the shutdown and dimming.
"The Council agrees to support the motion to revoke the decision on street lights.
Some council members have asked for solutions to meet the needs of communities who do not want to turn on the lights or welcome some degree of flexibility.
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