lights How Many Inches Should a Grow Light Be From Vegetable Plants?

by:EME LIGHTING     2019-12-16
lights How Many Inches Should a Grow Light Be From Vegetable Plants?
Seedlings need strong light to stimulate their initial growth and the formation of healthy leaves.They usually need 250 to 1,000 feet candles a day.If the standard fluorescent bulbs are placed close enough to the seedlings, they can provide enough light for optimal strength.Multi-The lamps provide more uniform lighting in a larger space, so all parts of the seedlings can get the same lighting.Fluorescent bulbs don't generate heat like other lighting options, so you can put them closer to the seedlings.Set up fixtures so that they are 2 to 6 inch higher than the top of the leavesIntensity light.The 2-Inch height is good for seedlings or if you use a reflector around the light tube to better distribute the light.Placing the tube at 6 inch can provide light in a larger area, which is preferred for higher seedlings or if no reflector is installed.Use cool-White fluorescent tube or warm-white and cool-Long white light.The heat generated by incandescent lamps, such as ordinary bulbs, may burn or dry seedlings if they are placed too close to the seedlings.If you have to use incandescent lamps, place incandescent lamps at least 12 inch above the seedlings.Incandescent lamps do not provide the right spectrum for seedlings, so it is best to combine them with natural sunlight or fluorescent bulbs as much as possible.Use a thermometer to manage the temperature of these bulbs.If the seedling area starts to warm above 75 degrees Fahrenheit, the bulb is too close and may damage the plant.Keep the Lights long enough every day to make sure the seedlings get enough light.Even if set above the seedlings, artificial lighting is weaker than sunlight.In general, since plants need sunlight, the lights should be kept twice as long.Most seedlings need 8 hours of sunshine per day, so keep the lights on for 16 hours a day.Approaching the light will not make up for the lack of time under the light.The automatic timers connected to the lights manage them well.The lighting bracket simplifies the adjustment of the lighting height.These adjustable brackets allow you to raise the lights as the seedlings grow, so you can quickly move the lamps to the correct height.Alternatively, you can hang a light fixture above the seedlings with hooks and chains, and then adjust the chain length to lift the lights.If you have to use lights that are fixed in place, set boxes or bricks under the seedling tray to lift them up so that they can keep the right distance from the lights.Remove the boxes from below the seedlings and as they grow, drop them further from the lights.
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