lighting how office ...

by:EME LIGHTING     2019-10-26

The lighting needs of office space can be calculated using quick and simple formulas or more complex programs.The calculation includes determining the amount of wattage required to illuminate the room.In addition, lighting professionals recommend guidelines for the amount of light or lumens required for working areas in basic offices and computers.These guidelines can also be used to determine the appropriate amount of lighting required.Measure the length and width (in feet) of a given office and computer space using a tape measure ).Calculate the square feet of the room by multiplying the length by the width.If the room is not square or rectangular, get square feet using the round formula.For example, the area of the circular room is pi (3.14) multiply by the radius of the room (half the width ).Find the recommended amount of lumens needed for a given activity in the CIBSE office (or candafort or roux ).org.For example, CIBSE recommends a minimum of 500 lumens in general office space for computer, reading, and archiving activities.Please note that other professional lighting sources, such as ASID, may add a multiplier to the room being planned.In these cases, the required amount of lumens is calculated by multiplying the number of square feet of the room by the multiplier provided.Calculate the number of office spaces that can be used to provide lighting.Divide the total recommended lumens for the entire office space by the number of planned lighting spaces.Purchase bulbs that provide at least the amount of lumens required.Look for lumens on the bulb package (also known as candelford and Ruks ).
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