how to hang a chandelier How to Make a Twig Chandelier

by:EME LIGHTING     2019-12-03

I love chandeliers!I love chandeliers!Yes, I know I 've said it, but it's worth repeating.The first time I saw one was a year ago, a friend pointed it out to me online.Oh, impressed me, I think the lighting made of natural materials will be an excellent addition to my waterfront --Themed restaurant.However, my eyes turned to the right and I saw the price tag for the item I was dreaming.It was $1,200!OK, I really like the chandelier, but it's impossible for me to spend that much money on a country lighting device.Still, I couldn't get the hand-made branch chandelier out of my mind.It's been nagging me and telling me I have to have one.I'm starting to wonder how to make my own tree chandelier?I was cunning and I happened to have a chandelier and I thought it was perfect for the project I was thinking of so I tried it.If you want to know how to make a branch chandelier, you may like these tips from those who have experienced hardships!My first reaction to the price of the small branch chandelier shocked me for the time being.As I said, the first price I saw was over thousand yuan.Then I found a very beautiful one with over $2,000.This is ridiculous, I thought!It's just a simple light fixture and a bunch of sticks!After some intense research, I did find some chandeliers for about $600, which is more reasonable, but I still think it's too expensive.After trying to do one for myself, I changed my mind a bit.These chandeliers are very labor intensive.Making one is also frustrating, tedious and complicated.It's not like you can follow a blueprint or a real plan.The study of natural materials is not an accurate science.The branches and limbs are bent, twisted, and imperfect.Of course, it seems to me that it is these flaws that make the country chandelier so charming.Chandelier or chandelier?Some people use "small branches" (or "small branches") and "small branches" alternately, but it seems to me that they are two different creatures, so to speak.Small branches are made of larger branches, while small chandeliers are made of smaller branches.Also, brancheliers are usually created without existing lighting and they become fixtures.One or more branches are usually wrapped in string lights, suspended from the ceiling as branches.As you may already know, the base and light source of the branch chandelier use traditional chandeliers, branches and vines for covering the lamps.Watch the streaming video and see how to make a fairly simple branch.Basically, there are two kinds of branch chandeliers, one made of metal branches or branches, and the other made of real branches or branches.To be honest, I 've seen some very nice metal versions where artificial branches are made of metal.Still, I like to use natural vines and branches.I like original and handmade things.No two hand-made chandeliers are exactly the same, while metal chandeliers are usually produced in bulk.When it comes to natural chandeliers, there are several types of chandeliers.I use my own terminology to distinguish between different types, depending on how the branches are connected to the base, the lighting device itself.Some branches sweep down, while others sweep up or out.Some people may combine all three branches.This is another type where branches, branches and vines move along the circumference of the bottom.I don't like this type very much, so I haven't tried to do one.I prefer to see a flow scan of the tip of the branch, in the form of a circle, you will not see this.For me the circle looks a bit like the manufacturer put a big vine wreath on the chandelier and of course that's just my personal opinion.I think you can use any type of hanging lighting to make a branch chandelier, but some definitely work better than others.For example, you may not want to deal with a ball with a round ball at the bottom.I found the most easy to use fixture type to be a high and narrow center with arms sticking out from the bottom.The number of arms you choose depends on you, but you may want to start with a chandelier that does not exceed five or six arms.The arms should also be quite long and slender.They will largely determine the final shape of your project.You may also want a chandelier with candles.\ "Such lights will rise above all the branches and vines you have used, and they will help create a very visually appealing completion project.In my opinion, the lighting device in the Amazon advertisement below is perfect for making tree branch chandeliers.I tried several different types of branches and vines for my chandelier project.Some people don't work at all, some work well and some are great.I also found that I had to use more than one species for the look I wanted.For example, to cover the bottom of the lamp, I used straight branches with uniform thickness, and almost any type of wood can work well here.Crepe myrtle -Make sure they are soft no matter which type of branches and/or vines you choose.In addition to the branches you use around the fixture base, you may want to be able to bend most of the branches you use.If they are not soft enough, soak them in the water for the night before you try to use them in the lighting project.The first thing you need to do is locate your fixture so you can work on it.I usually start by putting the Chandelier on it.On a table.If it happens that the husband has a work desk with a separate one in the middle, then it is the perfect choice to place upside downOf course, there is any type of protruding down light fixture on the top, now the bottom.In this position, I can put the basic branches, the up branches and the outside branches togetherswept twigs.You need to cover the base with branches of approximately the same length and thickness.Fix each branch with hot glue.Once you cover the base, wrap the branch with a wire and fix the branch in place.Wrap the wire around the branch several times.It should be comfortable but not too tight.You need space to add more branches by pushing the branches under the wires.After using the wire, you can wrap the wire with the vines to disguise it.Of course, if you repaint the chandelier after it's done, the wires won't be seen, but adding some vines will also give you more options, allows you to stick to the end of the extra branch you will be using.Next, I like the armrest that covers the chandelier.The easiest and fastest way to do this is to use a small vine wreath that is sawed in half.Divide the wreath into vines.Push one end of the vine under the wire, forcing the vine to follow the shape of the arm.If you need to protect the other end of the vine, use a wire or thin vine.Once I have covered the base and arm, I have to change the position of the fixture to the right-up.The best way to do this is to hang the chandelier.Luckily my work area was our garage and we already had two sturdy hooks and once had a baby swing so I hung the chandelier from a hook above my headIn a pinch, you can hang your light from the center of the open ladder.The next step I took was to increase the fullness of my branch chandelier.This is mainly a trial.and-Wrong process, so it's hard for me to tell you exactly how to do this.From now on though, I can tell you that I no longer need to use any hot glue.I just pushed the end of any add-on I used at the top of the base to the wire or under the vines.You might want to use branches of different lengths and I like to use some branches with the end of the branches and some straight ones.To force the branches to where you want them, use the wires to fix them in all parts of the fixture.Always work from the center of the fixture.In other words, first protect the far end of the branches and then guide them to where you want them to go.Step back when you're working and check your creations from time to make sure you're not missing any areas.You also want to look at the branch chandelier from the bottom, because people will see it once it hangs on the ceiling.Also, you may need to do some pruning here and there.Before you decide the project is completed, be sure to look at it from all angles.Also, you may need to rearrange some branches.Make sure that the branches or vines are not in direct contact with the bulb.You certainly don't want to cause a fire!You don't need to paint a chandelier, but doing so will mask the wires and any glue balls that may be visible.I like to draw my paintings while they are hanging from the top of my head so that I can definitely drill down below.I chose to paint the chandelier with white gloss paint as the gloss really captures and reflects the light.I like to use Valspar premium gloss white paint, but I'm sure any quality paint will work just as well.Please cover the lighting socket before using spray paint.You don't want to paint inside.For this I used a small roll of paper towel or a small piece of tape.A typical chandelier requires a lot of paint!With hundreds of tricks, corners and gaps, you'll want to make sure there's a good coat of paint on everything.In my experience, you need about six cans of paint.When I draw a branch chandelier, I work from various angles and different types of strokes.I draw very close, very close, far away.I include direct flow, up-and-Xianxi, side-to-Side sweep with a spray tank.Be sure to seal all the tips with paint.Once you have finished painting, step back and see the overall effect.Once the chandelier is painted, you will be surprised how different it looks, so you may need to do more shaping and trimming.If so, be sure to draw the new tips you create with scissors.After the paint is completely dry, you can put the bulb on the socket.I like to use bulbs, but you may choose different bulbs.Again, make sure that no natural material touches the bulb!Yes, Virginia-you can make a chandelier!I can honestly tell you that when you try to make your first branch chandelier, sometimes you want to throw the whole thing in the trash.At least for me.I started fine the first time I tried, but then I ran into a seemingly impossible obstacle and I gave up for a while.The poor unfinished chandelier hangs sadly in the garage for months.Then one morning I woke up and decided to get that suction cup off, and I did it whether it was hell or high water.The second one I did was very easy because I learned a lot from being the first one.If you don't want to try to make a branch chandelier but really want one, the chandelier I made in the photo above costs $250.Of course, you have to come to Georgia and pick it up.However, if you have any creativity and a lot of patience, you can make the branch chandelier yourself.
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