fluorescent light advice on how to spend my 2k | warrior forum - the #1 ...

by:EME LIGHTING     2019-12-10
Hello Warriors!I am a new member of the Forum and a new business owner.I started my online business last year and the growth has been slow.As a startup, I don't have a lot of cash on hand, and my marketing budget for the rest of 2016 is about $2,500.I would like to make some suggestions on how to invest in the best possible way (please do not tender ).I want to make it clear what we sell and what we have done so far.Our products are very good lights, we sell fluorescent tubes that can completely change the lighting.It eliminates glare and converts fluorescent lamps into more natural light (close to the Sun ).They can remove UV radiation that may damage or fade the material or cause the photoSensitive issues of people.We mainly sell to 3 viewers: We are a fully online business with no storefront and no sales on Amazon (for many reasons ).The main site is in WordPress and the shopping cart section is in Shopify.Last year, we focused on building our brand and SEO.I have some professional experience in SEO and some digital marketing, so this is the first place we invest in.Our target terms are ranked very well and our time on the site is high.I continue to work on content marketing this year and may continue to invest in this area.Our social activities are limited to twitter, Facebook and very few instagram.I have been running highly targeted FB Ads (A/B tests) with mixed results.There are probably a FB ads.30-.There are 40 CPC, with an average CTR of about 1.8% I did some PPC ads on Google and Bing, but I thought it was bad.Last year, I spent about $4 k at a PR company to compile a list of influential people and have them write an article or comment.Although they claim that 2 blog articles and 1 article in quarterly health and safety print publications are a good return, the return on this money is very low.Overall, the media has been very cold because I can't even get the local publication to reply to the email.I also sponsored the local lupus Foundation in some of the events (even taking part in their 5 k run) and donated products to several classrooms.At present, our profits are very small, and our cash flow is also very considerable.However, the growth is very slow, and I really want to have a good scale growth in the next 12 months.I don't want to get rich soon, but I want to turn this into a full-time job at some point.I have $2000 invested in "things" and another $500 dedicated to website improvements and content.I'm really thinking about using email automation programs for digital marketers, but I don't have a lot of email marketing lists at the moment (just current customers ).The bottom line is that 2 k needs to net 6 k for me in sales.I would appreciate it if there were any suggestions!Also, for all warrior friends, there is a 15% discount if you want to upgrade the lighting in the office.
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