crystal lamp the stuff that dreams are made of - how to remember ...

by:EME LIGHTING     2019-10-08

My personal breakthrough sex coach clients and photography clients have asked a lot of questions, one of the themes is the dream.I often work with people to help them plan and use their dreams and show them the tools and techniques that make it easier to remember and recall their dreams, so that they can do a personalized analysis of what dreams mean to them.In this post, I will share with you some ways you can start doing it for yourself and provide practical steps for making it easier to remember and explain your dreams.The fascination with dreams dates back to ancient times in the history of dreams, with Egyptians, Greeks, Romans and Christians interested in dreams and their explanations.Many people regard them as an important source of wisdom.It is said that the Egyptians created some of the earliest documents about dreams and believed that they were messages from God.Those who are in trouble in life will sleep in the temple in order to hatch their dreams for later analysis.About 150 AD Artemidorus compiled one of the first complete works considered to be about interpretation of dreams, interpretation of dreams, or interpretation of dreams.He also suggested that dreams are unique to Dreamers whose occupation, health and social status affect the symbols that appear in the dream.Dreams are also considered as gates to the unconscious, but they are often passed in such strange or curious ways that their true meaning is not always simple or obvious.I am a practitioner of Huns in Hawaii.In the Huns tradition, faith is your high I send messages and energy to the unconscious mind, then weave meaning and association into dreams, and then the conscious mind can observe.It is recommended to respect the dream with personal explanations, not based on the beliefs and ideas of others.Why take the time to explain your dreams?Hope their life is clearer.Deadlocked in personal or spiritual development.It is found that traditional analytical thinking cannot solve disturbing problems.Hope to have a deeper understanding of what's going on in their lives and why.There needs to be more understanding of current issues or challenges.Deirdra Barratt, a psychologist at Harvard University, studied the phenomenon of solving dream problems for 10 years and found that in addition to supplementing andUnder the guidance of the brain, dreams can also be used to solve all kinds of problems, from mathematics to art.Finding solutions to personal problems dreams can provide a safe and creative environment to face and explore personal problems.Your dreams may create metaphors or characters that represent the situations faced in your life.To come up with ideas and solutions for work, health, relationships and financial problems, there are techniques to plan your dreams.However, many people think that your subconscious mind often uses dreams to convey information and guidance. The art of dream interpretation has been lost, and there is not enough ability to consciously recognize and remember their dreams.In a study conducted by Harvard Medical School, 99 participants were taught to navigate a virtual maze on a computer screen.Half were then allowed to take a 2-hour nap and the other half stayed awake.All participants were re-entered later in the dayTested on the task.Those who dream of the maze have significantly improved their performance.They do better than people who sleep but don't dream.Better than those who rehearse tasks in their minds.Specifically, Dreamers perform more than six times as much as all other participants.At the photography weekend workshop, one of the areas we discuss is how to plan your dreams.Simply put, before going to bed, you decide what you want your heart to focus on in your dreams.Photo reader reports amazing stories in which seemingly complex or different information that they have been trying to deal with suddenly comes together during a dream, wakes up, projects orYou can also guide and choose themes for your dreams.The practice of waking dreams allows you to interact in your dreams, react to events, and control the way some elements unfold.There are a lot of resources and projects that will make the process easier before starting.The first is the dream diary.This helps to set the intention of your dream long enough to record.In addition to your dream log, there are several other projects that can help you complete your dream journey, some of which are basic: 1.Most modern phones have such devices.2.A good quality pen.3.Switch a flashlight or light with a salt crystal light or dimmer.Create a personal dream magazine for my client about 10 or so dream kit projects, Dream magazine is essential.Find yourself a book or log dedicated to your dreams.Since you will use it regularly and record thoughts deep inside, I suggest you choose something special that feels good about touch or that you find attractive.My clients often like to create their own dream logs from scratch, and it may be an interesting process to guide them through the idea of covers, various sections and binding options.This process alone will begin to anchor your mind on the idea of remembering, recalling, and analyzing your dreams.Many also find it useful to create a physical space as the focus of the dream diary.I'll probably cover how to do this in a later article.For those of you who want to study the dream analyzer-style in more depth, I would be happy to discuss other projects that are critical to your dream journey.One of the first things I suggest is the affirmation of dreams.Many of my clients have found that saying a yes before going to bed helps encourage a more conscious awareness of the state of dreams.These are certainly created on an individual basis to ensure that they are consistent with your beliefs and therefore are more easily accepted by the inner mind.A very simple affirmation may be: "I can easily recall my dream."The affirmation of the dream also helps to calm down the inner dialogue and chatter of the conscious mind, and helps to create a more acceptable state of the dream.I also took my clients through a short meditation process that evokes a deeper state of relaxation and creates more meaningful affirmation and experience for them with clearer dreamsIf you use your dreams to help solve problems, your affirmation may also take the form of problems you want to explore or solve in your dream state.Be patient with the tips to remember your dreams-it may take a while to remember your dreams.There are some easy ways to speed up the process when working with customers, however, if you are doing it yourself, you may have to wait, until your consciousness becomes more adapted to remember your dreams in a state of waking up.Set aside time for uninterrupted sleep-make sure you have a few nights to get the best amount of sleep-whatever it is for you.This will give you time to experience the fast eye movement cycle of Dreams/sleep.Setting aside time for your dreams will help create space for your dreams to exist.Set your intentions-use the wording you discussed before to strongly affirm, repeat it a few times before going to bed.This will greatly increase your chances of remembering your dreams when you wake up.Waking up extra time from your dreams-set your alarm 15-20 minutes before you usually wake up and use this time to move from your dream state more gently to your waking state.Keep quiet when you wake up and close your eyes.Use this time to explore your brain to recall or recall fragments of your dreams.Focus on any pictures, symbols, images, or words that appear in your mind.If you are committed to the affirmation of creating personal dreams, you can use them as an additional trigger to remember your dreams.Power issues-I designed a range of power issues to help people remember and understand their dreams, so use them when you start to fully awaken.Simply ask yourself, "What was my dream just now?"At least you can start.If you are a person who rarely remembers or barely realizes that you are dreaming before, if you remember that you dreamed of "something" when you wake up, please be grateful, even if you don't realize what a dream might be, because even this little sign is a step in the direction of a fuller, deeper memory.There are also some special ways to express your memories and make it easier for them to remember.In addition to reading the interpretation of dreams, there are many fascinating books, and there are several ways to explain your own dreams.The advantage of doing your own personal analysis is that you are not guided by the meaning or interpretation of a particular symbol or idea by others.I tend to use 7-when working with clients-We study the one-step dream interpretation process of the characters, emotions, actions, characters and circumstances presented in the dream, or, I use a very powerful process, from the practice of the Huns in Hawaii, went through 3 stages to explain all the elements of dreams, symbols, and revealing deeper meanings.Using these processes provides a simple and effective way to explain anything you remember from your dreams.Simply start by writing down all the elements of your dream, no matter how small or insignificant it looks.The right analysis of your dreams can lead you into an amazing journey of transformation, self-discovery, and personal enlightenment, helping you tap into your inner wisdom and become more relevant to your life goalsIt can also help us uncover the thoughts and feelings that are suppressed, and surface and resolve them.When you discover these feelings, you can consciously choose to release them.I also used a process called talking to my coaching client to help them decode complex symbols that can be disguised in a dream.
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