A brief introduction to the lighting scheme design of the lighting factory in the night tour of the scenic spot, the uniformity of the school building lighting illumination

by:EME LIGHTING     2021-03-22
The people of the lighting factory in the scenic night tour lighting lighting factory think that the teaching-room lighting is uniform, and the difference in brightness in different areas-domains-is-whether it is too large, which has a great impact on students-students' vision-perception-because students are in Long hours of visual work in the classroom...

The people in the lighting factory think that the lighting in the teaching-room is uniform, whether the difference in brightness in different areas is too large or not, which has a great impact on the vision and perception of students and students. Because students are doing visual work in the classroom for a long time, when their eyes are fixed on a target, they establish a kind of adaptation-response level-levelness. When the eyes turn from one brightness area to another area, the eyes have to adapt. The new brightness level, if the brightness levels of these two areas are too different, the pupils will change rapidly, causing visual fatigue and fatigue. The smaller the difference between the brightness-degree of the viewing-looking object and the ambient-ambient brightness-degree, the better the visual comfort.

The people in the lighting factory believe that the brightness control is related to the illuminance and the reflectance of each surface of the room. Important areas such as teaching-room, class-table-surface or black-board-surface will be brighter than other areas. It is higher, but the difference should not be too great, so as not to cause visual fatigue and fatigue due to the constant adjustment of the eyes-eyes. The 'Architectural Lighting Standard' (GB50034-2004) stipulates the lower limit of the illuminance value in the vicinity of the normal working surface.

The people in the lighting factory believe that the glare in the classroom not only affects the visual function and comfort of the students, but also damages the visual ability of the students for a long time, so the design is clearly designed. Special attention should be paid to the problem of glare-light. In the classroom, it is necessary to avoid direct-shooting glare-light, but also to prevent light-screen reflection-shooting glare-light. The main focus should be on the selection of lamps, fixtures, selection, and placement. Take necessary measures.
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