Three tips for installing bedside wall lamps

by:EME LIGHTING     2020-01-30
The bedside wall lamp is a kind of lamp installed at the bedside of the bedroom, which is indispensable for many people to decorate now. The bedside wall lamp is light and soft, which can play the role of auxiliary lighting, and the second can make the environment more elegant and emotional. The installation of the bedside wall lamp is very simple, so you can understand these three skills. 1. The installation height of the bedside wall lamp. The installation height of the bedside wall lamp shall be 1. 5m ~ 1. 7 m, the distance between the bedside wall lamp and the wall surface is about 95 ~ 400mm. 2. The installation position of the head of a bed wall lamp that needs to be reserved for the head of a bed is generally above the head of a bed. Generally, there is a double-head wall lamp in the middle or one on each side. If there is no wire head reserved on the wall before decoration, it is recommended not to choose wall lamp for bedside lighting. Because the wall lamp is often installed in the middle of the wall, there is no dark line, you need to pull a wire on the wall according to the location of the wall lamp, so the clean wall is not beautiful. 3. The switch of the bedside wall lamp should be within reach regardless of whether the lamp is easy to switch and adjust or not. If the switch of the bedside wall lamp cannot be reached when lying down, then when you are sleepy and want to turn off the lamp, you have to make great efforts to find the switch or adjust the brightness again, thus disturbing drowsiness.
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