Shaoguan LED strip manufacturer

by:EME LIGHTING     2021-03-22
When it comes to LED light strips, some owners may be very unfamiliar. Although some owners know but only know LED lights, they may not be familiar with other specific conditions. LED light strip light strip is the abbreviation of LED light strip. Most people are not used to the term being too long when they say it, so they omit the previous LED and simply call it light strip. In this way, the name of the light strip also includes many old-fashioned light strips that are directly connected to LEDs with wires without FPC or PCB, such as the second-line, third-line, and second-round lights. Of course, it also includes flexible and hard lights. Today, I will borrow the information from the Shenzhen Lighting Factory Decoration Company to introduce one of the knowledge about LED light strips-the classification of LED light strips. Let's take a closer look at it below! First of all, we must know that the light strips can only play a decorative role. LED light strips are usually high voltage 220V, so they are wrapped with a thick layer of flame retardant glue. Wires, circuit boards, etc. are generally made of copper. , LED lamp beads determine the life of the lamp belt. For the sake of electricity safety, you must not choose inferior quality because of the low price. If you are greedy for temporary cheapness, it may be a safety hazard! Of course, it is not ruled out that you can find good quality and cheap prices, but such an opportunity does not fall out of thin air! For the color, you can choose warm white or RGB multi-color, RGBWC5 color, because the main function of the light strip is to embellish, so it is recommended to use warm white, so that the effect of the living room and dining room will be more warm, and it will be aesthetically fatigued after a long time. . In festivals, PARTY and other scenes, consider using RGBWC to meet the needs of all seasons. In fact, there is no standard for the color of the light strip. LED light strips are divided into soft light strips and hard light strips. Soft light strips are commonly used in homes. Generally speaking, soft light strip products have minimum cutting distance requirements, which are within a certain length. It can be cut off freely, which is also the biggest advantage of the soft light strip as a conventional home lighting product. At present, there is no other type of light that can perfectly replace its function. However, in theory, there is no such thing as cutting as long as the subject said. LED light strips still have to be based on their own preferences, decoration style, and place of use, and then choose the appropriate light strip color.
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