low voltage rope lighting - 12 volt outdoor lighting

by:EME LIGHTING     2020-10-25
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Benefits of low-voltage rope lighting: Low-voltage rope lighting completely changes the way people illuminate spaces that are difficult to wire, and areas that only require ambient light.
With the popularity and accessibility of LED rope lights, it becomes easier to light up the kitchen, bar, walkway, terrace and pool deck.
However, there are many benefits besides low prices. Versatility -
Low voltage rope lighting is available almost anywhere.
Because it\'s not™No pre-
Cabling, special installation apps, or large spaces, you can create wonderful ambient light no matter where you install an inch of rope.
A low power consumption-
LED rope light is very energy efficient.
LED ropes use less than 1 watt per foot, which means you can light up 60 feet of the path or counter space with the same power as lighting a normal bulb. Color Variety -
Low-voltage rope lighting is usually used in white or red to outline the lane, path or walkway leading to the building.
However, with the accessibility of the color led, you can get the rope light of any color.
Low maintenance and service life
Unlike traditional landscape lighting, the string lights need little maintenance.
The typical life of LED bulbs is 100,000 hours.
It runs 8 hours a day and if used properly, it is possible for the low voltage rope light to last 34 years.
However, it is generally believed that it should be replaced every 10 years or so to maintain proper performance.
Safety and durability-
The LED rope light is very durable and can withstand impact, friction and high temperature.
They don\'t know. ™However, t emits a lot of heat.
In fact, most lights will be cool to touch even after endless use time.
Low voltage.
Low wattage: If you are looking for low voltage rope lighting to connect to your existing landscape grid, make sure you recognize the difference between low voltage and low wattage.
As a matter of fact, most LED rope lights are actually low power and will usually be proud to present this fact on the packaging.
Low voltage refers to the rate at which energy flows through the circuit, not the amount of energy used as a whole.
Low voltage almost always refers to the 12 V current that supplies power to most outdoor lighting devices.
The 12 volt power supply has less heat and usually consumes less energy than the 110 volt power supply.
Use of LED rope lighting: rope light can be placed anywhere where lights are needed, but can be placed anywhere where lights are needed™It is most commonly used to illuminate the area above the upper cabinet, as well as the counter of the kitchen.
It is widely used in restaurants and bars as a way to provide the environment but the necessary light in an emergency.
It can be decorated under the top of the bar or arranged on branches all year round.
The thicker shape of the rope gives a more elegant feeling than the look of the Christmas tree string.
No matter what your purpose is, low voltage rope lighting can be purchased for feet or 8 to 30 feet parts, easy end-to-end connection and can reach a long distance.
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