Installation method of semi-hanging in all-copper chandelier

by:EME LIGHTING     2020-02-24
All copper chandeliers are commonly divided into semi-chandeliers and full chandeliers. We can distinguish it by the orientation of its hanging pot. The all-copper chandelier with solder lampshade facing up is called semi-chandelier, and the all-copper chandelier with hanging pot facing down is called full chandelier. The structure of the lamp body is also quite different. The lamp body structure of the all-copper chandelier with the lampshade facing up is mainly composed of: a hanging plate, a suction top plate, a pull rod, a middle rod, a lifting hook, a lamp drum, a lamp Cup and a lampshade. The main structure of the all-copper chandelier under the cover is: I-shaped hanging plate, ceiling plate or Bell, Crystal ring, hanging chain, movable buckle, circle ring, lamp drum, lamp Cup, lamp cover and other accessories. Therefore, the installation methods of the two all-copper chandeliers are also somewhat different. The following is the first introduction to the installation method of the all-copper chandeliers with the hanging pot facing up. Step 1: fix the hanging plate on the Sky Flower. If your ceiling is cement board, please fix it with expanded screw, if it is wood structure ceiling, please use wood screw, if the ceiling is gypsum board and other materials that cannot fix screw, please contact your decorator to put a wooden square in the ceiling in advance for fixing. The second step: wiring, please pay attention to the joint must be important when wiring, otherwise there will be faults such as hitting the wire, poor contact, etc. After connecting the wire, use the electrical tape or the wiring mother to close the joint. Step 3: install the wick, lock the wick with the mother and the bald mother. Step 4: install the bulb and test it. If the lamp body is not bright, please check whether the power supply is normal and whether the wires are connected incorrectly. If individual bulbs are not on, please check whether there is any problem with the bulb. If there is no problem with the bulb, please turn off the power supply and turn off the bulb. Use a screw knife to gently pick up the Reed inside the lamp cap until the lamp is on. If this method still does not light up, please contact us and we will solve it for you as soon as possible. Step 5: Hang the lamp and fix the lampshade on the suction top plate with a pull rod. Please be careful not to twist the lamp body when hanging the lamp. The installation method of the all-copper chandelier with the lampshade facing down is as follows. Step 1: fix the hanging plate on the ceiling. If your ceiling is cement board, please fix it with expanded screw, if it is wood structure ceiling, please use wood screw, if the ceiling is gypsum board and other materials that cannot fix screw, please contact your decorator to put a wooden square in the ceiling in advance for fixing. The second step: wiring, please pay attention to the joint must be important when wiring, otherwise there will be faults such as touching the line, poor contact, etc. After connecting the line, use the electrical tape or the wiring mother to close the joint. Step 3: hanging the light, please be careful not to twist the lamp body when hanging the lamp. Step 4: install the bulb and try to light it. If the lamp body is not bright, please check whether the power supply is normal and whether the wires are connected incorrectly. If individual bulbs are not on, please check whether there is any problem with the bulb. If there is no problem with the bulb, please turn off the power supply and turn off the bulb. Use a screw knife to gently pick up the Reed inside the lamp cap until the lamp is on. If this method still does not light up, please contact us and we will solve it for you as soon as possible.
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