How to identify the surface coloring of all copper solder lamps?

by:EME LIGHTING     2020-02-09
When it comes to the purchase of all-Copper Solder lamps, many consumers are more concerned about the quality of all-Copper Solder lamps than about the cost performance. The quality of all-Copper Solder lamps mainly lies in the refinement of their workmanship and surface treatment. All-Copper Solder lamp coloring is different from the two methods of lamp coloring seen in daily life. One is painting. The other is electroplating. Vividly speaking, the coloring of all-Copper Solder lamps is similar to the electroplating coloring of metals, but there are essential differences between the two. All-Copper Solder lamp coloring plays two roles. One is to make the lamp body look more beautiful and more classical. In addition, a protective film is formed on the surface of the all-Copper Solder lamp to avoid premature oxidation caused by contact between the surface of the all-Copper Solder lamp and air. Q: How to identify the surface coloring of all copper solder lamps? Answer: Method 1: observe with naked eyes 1. Observe the surface. If there are small irregular lines on the surface of the lamp body or fittings (Like real bronze)The closer you are, the better. 2. Discoloration, observing the lamp body, it is found that the same accessory of the all-copper lamp has different shades, indicating that the post-process treatment failed to follow the steps and methods. 3. Pantothenic acid, looking from the surface of all-Copper Solder lamp to the deep layer, found that the surface of the metal material has color spots, which is also the reason, indicating that after copper is cleaned by acid mixed solution, the acid residue was not cleaned, resulting in a chemical reaction with copper. From the surface, there are a little marks similar to rust. In serious cases, all copper lamps will be very ugly. Method 2: simple test. 1. Apply 5% hydrochloric acid or sulfuric acid solution to the surface of the lamp body. If the surface coating of the all-copper lamp does not change within 8 hours, it means that this is a qualified all-copper lamp. 2, take 50 grams of salt, add 500 grams of water, and then take one of the accessories of the copper lamp, completely immersed in salt water. After 12 hours, the surface has not changed, indicating that the surface treatment of this all-Copper Solder lamp is in place.
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