how to convert a ceiling light fixture into an electrical ...

by:EME LIGHTING     2020-06-07

Most ceiling fixtures use 115Same voltage power supply as most electrical outlets.If you need to install something on the ceiling and need a place to plug it in, you can convert the ceiling light fixture to a power outlet.This will allow you to run a short rope from anything installed on the ceiling to a new ceiling power outlet.Now you can avoid connecting long extension cords to sockets elsewhere in the room and save time calculating how to support the wires along the ceiling.Turn off the power of the lamp by turning off the corresponding circuit breaker in the circuit breaker panel.Remove the lamps from the ceiling.The disassembly instructions for each lamp are different;However, they usually just twist the screws.Disconnect the wire from the fixture.Put the lamps on one side.Connect the black wire to the brass terminal of the socket.Connect the white line to the silver terminal of the power outlet.Connect the green line to the green terminal of the socket.Screw the power outlet into the box.Install the appropriate shape cover on the power outlet.This will vary depending on the type of ceiling box you have.Some are square, some are rectangular, and some are round.By re-opening the circuit breaker in the circuit breaker panel, turn the power back on to the circuit.Verify that the socket is working by inserting something.
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