How to arrange hotel lamps and lanterns to be able to appear high-grade and gorgeous

by:EME LIGHTING     2021-03-08
Now there are hotels everywhere, so many people are also hollowing out their decorations, just because they are afraid that other people's decorations are too good to compare their own. In fact, the hotel engineering lights also have a certain way. It is better to follow the hotel engineering light manufacturers to see how the decoration will make the whole hotel look more upscale.

The hotel lobby generally uses a bright crystal chandelier or crystal ceiling lamp as the main light of the hotel engineering lamp, which is matched with other auxiliary lighting, such as wall lamps, downlights, spotlights, etc. As far as the main lighting is concerned, because it is an entrance hall, in order to give guests a good impression and improve the hotel's grade, we can choose high-grade hotel engineering lights, which gives people a refreshing feeling. After the lobby of the hotel, it is the restaurant of the hotel. The focal point of hotel lighting decoration is of course the dining table. Generally, hanging chandelier can be used for lighting. In order to achieve the effect, the chandelier should not be installed too high, and it should be on the eye level of the diners. For a rectangular dining table, install two chandeliers or a long oval chandeliers. The chandeliers should have a light and shade adjuster and a lifting function, so that they can be used for other tasks. Chinese food pays attention to color, fragrance, taste and shape, and often needs a brighter one. Warm colors, while enjoying western food, if the light is slightly darker and softer, it can create a romantic atmosphere. Of course, the ceiling and four walls of the dining room must have sufficient light from the hotel engineering lights, otherwise it will affect the appetite, you can use spotlights or wall lights to assist lighting. Generally, a hotel will have a bedroom, so we should pay attention to the soft fiber in the choice of hotel engineering lights in the bedroom. This is because the bedroom is a room for rest and sleep and requires better privacy. The light needs to be soft and there should be no glare, so that people can easily fall asleep.

The quality of a hotel can actually be seen by looking at the quality of the hotel engineering lights, because the hotel engineering lights are a bit of an eye-catching place, so you must not be careless when choosing hotel engineering lights, there is a Good hotel engineering lights can also bring a lot of goodwill to the guests.
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